[ september fourth ]

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chapter four;
i'll have a burger with a side of murder

jin couldn't figure out if he was more excited about the possibility of meeting a murderer or a hot guy. jin's thoughts raced about the height, color, race, religion, hairstyle, body type, and everything else of the mystery person. he hoped, if it was a murderer, that they'd at least clean up after themselves. jin didn't want to leave a mess from his dead carcass. this is all jin could think of on the way to mcpherson drive. the air was abnormally hotter than it should be for september. plus, it was late at night. almost three in the morning (so not really night). jin figured he should hurry up and get to the meeting place before three, so he could hide and spy on the murderer... or hot guy (hopefully both).

seokjin crouched behind a prickly hydrangea bush. he checked his phone's screen repeatedly to see the time. 3 am on the dot. jin searches with his eyes the terrain around him. a park bench, a couple tall trees, and... a mysterious shadow of a man.

the possible hot murder strolled over to the dusty park bench. before sitting down, he waved off the dirt. frigid wind poked a speck of white, close-to-cocaine hair out of his hooded face. the man's features looked so much like jin's new friend, spray paint namjoonie.

maybe it is namjoon, thought jin.

seokjin stood from behind the hydrangea bush, but before he could call out to namjoon, another man came out from the other side of the dark, orange street. this man, jin knew for sure, was kim namjoon. these facial features looked even more like the real namjoon. the new/real namjoon glanced with his eyes over at the not-well-hidden kim seokjin and back at park-bench-man. "ah, kim namjoon. how kind of you to show up on time." jin imagined the man rolling his eyes after remarking that to namjoon.

namjoon smirked before responding, "oh, is that how you feel."

namjoon took off his matching coal black jacket, showing his strong, broad shoulders. a tattoo in korean writing peeked out from the slight pull of his shirt. jin just might have cursed because of how hot this criminal (?) was. the air was frigid at this time of night, so jin didn't understand why namjoon pulled off his jacket.

"look, namjoon..." but jin couldn't hear the rest of the explanation from mystery man for he gradually started to whisper like he knew someone was watching him. jin thought, he must really be either in huge mess or a secret mission.
the man and namjoon turn around, one looking scared for me; the other smirking.

namjoon has a tight facial expression and sternly says, "leave jin. what are you doing here?"

the other man grins a sick smile and says something in a cruel manner to namjoon, looking at jin.

"why dont you let your little friend here stay?" the other man hisses out.

"just give me the package and ill take him home."

"he knows something namjoon." he glares at me in a bloodlust manner.

"ill take care of it," namjoon hisses.

the snake of a man hands namjoon the "package" and walks off. namjoon walks to jin and sternly takes his  forearm in his hand. he semi-throws jin towards his car. jin runs the now throbbing place on his arm where namjoon held him.

"get in! ill take you home..."

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