[six eagle parents complaining]

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chapter six;
these teachers are almost as insane as the parents

this is going to be so fluffy
or will it

jin walked into the elementary school still down about the other night with namjoon. i wish i could have looked at the boy more during the car ride; what if i don't see him ever again? jin's mind was too busy thinking of his mysterious acquaintance to notice that it was already eight-o'clock. jin's tiny kindergarten students rushed in right on time. he smiled as most of the students went straight from their cubby, putting their jackets and books away, to their assigned seat. each class in the elementary school were an animal. no, not figuratively, but realistically. jin's class were the eagles. even though, to tell the truth, he had much rather been the flamingos or unicorns, but he guessed eagles were alright too.

jin cleared his throat as the last of the bunch got their seat. most of everyone's attention went to mr. kim, as the parents called him. it was jin's first day at his new job. jin just graduated from his university. ah he was so excited to be with these kids. one student with short, brown, soft hair raised his hand.

"mr. kim-"

"ah, call me jin," he smiled. "but around other teachers, your parents, and and the principal, call me mr. seokjin or mr. kim," he whispered in a fake secret manner to the kids.

the tiny boy continued. "oh-o-okay... um what are we doing today?"

jin hoped on top of jin's desk, swinging his legs back and forth. "well, we are going to first learn everyone's name. so, everyone, let's all make a circle in front of me on the carpet."

with that, all of the students rushed to the carpet fighting for their life for a seat next to their new best friends. at the end of the chaos, one kid stood up alone from the others. she had striking blonde-red hair, and she still had on her white rain jacket. jin got off his desk and went over to the girl.

"what's your name," jin whispered in the little one's ear.

she hesitated before whispering back, "maison."

"well, maison do you want to sit next to me?" jin grins brightly. maison nods, a smile forming on her lips.

jin grabs the young one's hand and leads her to the circle. they both sit down criss-cross-apple-sauce. "now," jin brought his hands together. "let's start with you here..."

"oh! there's the lunch bell. make sure you grab your lunch box. everyone line up behind me," jin orders.

jin marches towards the cafeteria, raising his legs really high, and maybe even making little marching noises too. maison and the others giggle the whole way to the lunch room. once they arrive, the kids all run to save seats for all of their new friends. jin went over to the teachers' table slowly. he was a bit nervous since all the other teachers were much older than jin. jin tightly gripped his lunch box. he noticed before he sat down that most of the teachers ate school lunch. he sat down and smiled at everyone. before jin could speak up and say good morning back to the teachers, a fairly young teacher with black hair spoke up.

"you must be the new kindergarten teacher. i'm min yoongi, one of the second grade teachers."

the teacher next to him stuck his arm out in front of mr. min. "shut up, yoongay he doesn't want to hear about you. i'm more important." the interrupting teacher clears his throat before turning to jin and and reaching his hand out to shake. jin worriedly brings his hand out to slake the teachers hand, but before he can, yoongi slaps the mans hand away. "don't push yourself on people, jimin!"

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