Chapter Three: Master Rohail Returns

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Something of daylight still lingered, and the moon was
waxing bright: I could see him plainly. His figure was
enveloped in a riding cloak, fur collared and steel clasped;

its details were not apparent, but I traced the general
points of middle height and considerable breadth of chest.

He had a dark face, with stern features and a heavy brow; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted just now; he was past youth, but had not reached middle-age; perhaps he might be thirty-five. I felt no fear of him,and but little shyness."

- Jayne Eyre


For the first time in her life, Jahaan-Aara felt safe and fortunate. Standing outside the gargantuan dilapidated haveli, she was thankful to God for the opportunity.

Three months passed since her inauguration of her role, but certain things about the haveli flummoxed her. Jahaan-Aara looked up at the dusty, arched stained windows. In particular the window on the second floor. The shutters closed. A small window. When Jahaan-Aara stood outside the door with Adila- last night- she pressed her ear against the door and heard a howl of wind. Standing outside, the windows were closed, so where did the howling come from? The room remained locked; a forbidden territory that the maids didn't enter.

The next thing Jahaan- Aara picked up was Adila sharing a fond memory of her mother. Jahaan-Aara looked across the grounds. It was a Thursday afternoon and today was mini beast trail. Jahaan-Aara embraced the outdoors with Adila which bought out the best in her. The child was difficult to discipline indoors. The schedule ran around Adila , each lesson was cut from an hour to fifteen minutes and once her attention waned, Jahaan-Aara took Adila to the grounds of Thornager Haveli and spend time indulging in sporting activities which Adila looked forward to. Monday was badminton, Tuesday was cricket, Wednesday was softball and Thursday was mini beast trail. Adila enjoyed digging the grass, searching through over grown bushes and shrubbery for new and strange looking creatures. She fizzed with excitement when she found a beetle and squeezed it in her fingers and thumb and ended up killing it with excitement.

But when Adila mentioned her mother one afternoon as they fished for worms, Jahaan-Aara was left speechless.

"Mama found a tiny fish for me." Adila splashed her hands in the murky water talking about her mother without a hint of emotion. "She said she had to let it go. If you love something you must let it go."

"Have you seen your mother?" Jahaan-Aara leaned closer to Adila.

"Look! A worm!" Adila jumped up with excitement dropping the conversation and leaving Jahaan-Aara wrapped in confusion.

I thought her mother died during childbirth? So how could she have met her? Was she having visions of her deceased mother? Is this a sign of a mental health issue? Maybe that is why she displays odd behaviour?

Sitting outside with Juffu and Thoona who skinned a chicken they had slaughtered for supper. Jahaan-Aara hoped to find the answers from the maids.

"When did Adila's mother die?"

Juffu gave Thoona a beady look from the corner of the eye as she plucked the feathers from the fat dead chicken. A silent conversation passed through their eyes leaving Jahaan-Aara out in the cold.

"Adila said to me the other day, she went fishing with her mother. But how can that be possible when she died during child birth?" Jahaan-Aara leaned forward sitting on a small square stool.

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