Chapter 6: All Roads Lead to Rohail

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When Zubair and Saif returned from the hospital late that evening it was half past eleven. Jahaan-Aara fell asleep in the lounge whilst the evening news played on the television. Haziqa and Haider-Ali had turned in for the ngiht. Saif entered the lounge and switched off the television prompting Jahaan-Aara to stir. 

"Get yourself to bed, dear." Said Zubair. Anger melted his face into gloom when he returned without Shumayla.
Jahaan-Aara sat up and rubbed her heavy eyelids. Her scarf held with a pin was firmly around her head. "Did Haider do his revision? Or did he waste his time on the game?" Saif asked looking through his school books.
Jahaan-Aara couldn't expose Haider-Ali who played on his games console all evening and was ecstatic Saif wasn't present to tell him off. So she gave an obscure answer.
"I'm not sure."
But Saif didn't believe her. In the morning he promised he would be having words with Haider-Ali.
"Where's khala?" Jahaan-Aara looked at the doorway expecting her.
"She's decided to stay at the hospital." Replied Zubair was sadness laden in his tone. He was helpless in front of Shumayla, despite his initial anger he understood Shumayla's need to be beside Badr-un-Nisa. Tonight would be a crucial night for his sister in law. Zubair left the lounge leaving Saif and Jahaan-Aara alone. Saif sat on the opposite sofa leaning forward and his fingers clasped together as a steeple.
"What happened?" Jahaan-Aara asked in a gentle tone deciphering the tense atmosphere.
My maavi (maternal auntie) has been in a mental hospital for over 10 months. She is a law unto herself. Dangerous and unpredictable. Tonight she set fire to her room and burned herself and half of the hospital."
Jahaan-Aara winced at the thought.
"She stayed with us and nearly set the kitchen on fire." Saif shook his head.
Saif looked up at her. "Do you know her?"
"I met her briefly at the care home. Is she your auntie?"
"She is my (maava) uncle's wife."
Saif hung his head with ignominy. This was a shameful part of his family he didn't wish to divulge.
"Oh Allah!" Jahaan-Aara clasped her fingers over her gaping mouth. "I hope she is okay."
"Maavi Nisa has an obsession to light fires. She gains intense fascination and gratification from lighting fires. When she lit the fire in our kitchen she was euphoric, jumping, laughing and clapping her hands. The doctor diagnosed her with Pyromania. Soon, we realised it was far more serious and she has schizophrenia. We couldn't look after her 24/7. She needed professional help."
A moment of silence stretched between them. The ticking clock amplified in the silence.
"I didn't go in to see her, but ammi said she is badly burned. Her night dress was burned into her skin and the skin on her hand has melted down to the bone."
"Ya Allah!" Jahaan-Aara hissed with emotional pain. "Poor Badr-un-Nisa!"
"The doctor said tonight is crucial. If she makes it, then she will survive."
Restlessness coursed through Jahaan-Aara's body. "I want to see her. Can I go to the hospital? Please!"
Saif sat up straight. "No sister. This is not your business." His arms wide, he expostulated his opposition. "It's a family matter. I want you to stay away." Saif warned in a severe tone. He stood up and began to pace the room.
"It's his fault. He's evil. He caused all this." Saif ran his hand over his beard in thought. "My maavi is lying in hospital calling out his name, whilst my maava (uncle) is gallivanting all over the world leaving ammi to take care of his mess." Saif snapped curling his hands into fists.
"It drives me insane. I feel helpless when my mother is helping him out and he doesn't care. He's selfish! Nasty piece of work! Badr-un-Nisa is better off dead than to be suffering in this world." Saif yelled leaving Jahaan-Aara stunned into silence. It was the first time she saw a different shade to Saif. He was red with anger, and dark with hate.
"There is no place in this family for him. He is a man swimming in sin! He has a manipulative streak that makes my mother soft at his feet. It's better for maavi to die than to live with that man! He gave her nothing but misery."
Jahaan-Aara felt the brunt of his hate as a draught of coldness blew against her skin. She abandoned the idea of visiting Badr-un-Nisa due to the strain it caused the family.
"Anyway-" Saif relaxed his shoulders and shook the anger out of his flesh. "Come with me, I have something to show you."
Quickly, Jahaan-Aara lifted her dress and slipped her feet into her slippers. Assuming that he was going to show her something related to his auntie or uncle, Jahaan-Aara was soon left speechless.

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