Chapter 8: Unmasked

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And Allah said, I am with the ones whose hearts are torn. 

Hadith Qudsi. 


Locked in her room, Jahaan-Aara listened to the muted voices from downstairs unable to decipher the conversation. This was what she was summoned to for the next few days. After she prayed her night prayers Jahaan-Aara folded her prayer mat and placed it on the table. She looked into the mirror and untied her headscarf allowing her hair to loosely sit around her shoulders. Raking her long fingers through her hair, she titled her head up looking at the ceiling fan, it was still. The room was stifling. She wished she could open the door the terrace and allow the fresh mountain breeze to rummage through her room.

Later that night, lying on her bed staring at the redundant fan, she lay still hoping it would cool her down. Her plain white crisp cotton kameez was loose fitting, allowing the little air to circulate. She lifted her book and fanned her face listening to the footsteps approach the terrace. Voices gathered on the terrace and spilled into the room next to hers. With the voices was the familiar deep brusque tone of Rohail Saab. She closed her eyes and listened to the voices coming from outside on the terrace. It was Shumayla. She was in the adjacent room moving the furniture. How could she sleep tonight knowing Rohail Saab was in the room next door?

Unable to get to drift off to sleep, deep into the night she could smell familiar smoke. The smell was thick and strong. Draping her charcoal black shawl around her head and shoulders she tiptoed barefoot to the door and pressed her cheek against it listening to the sound of shuffling feet. It was Rohail Saab.
'Don't come in front of him. Stay in your room.'
Saif's orders drilled a corner of her brain. She had to talk to Rohail Saab. She couldn't rest until she gave him a piece of her mind. This energy gave her the power to unlock the door. Her heart thudded and her mouth was dry. Taking in a deep breath, Jahaan-Aara pulled the door open to a strong gust that cooled her sweaty skin. Weaved with the cool breeze was the comforting smell of smoke.

There, standing on the terrace, dressed in his checked white shirt was Emraad Rohail. With his left foot perched on a stool, his back to her, he looked out on the horizon taking long drags from his cigar. The moonlight splashed a generous light upon his sharp features. Nervously, she stepped closer to him. Clenching her fists. She pursed her lips to speak but nothing came out. She had this conversation in her head a hundred times. She'd memorised word from word. But why was she lost for words?
"A determined woman is a dangerous woman." Rohail Saab broke the silence. "Top marks for your hunting skills."
"Do you believe that I searched for your sister and your wife?" Her jaw dropped to the floor.
"How else would you explain your presence in my sister's house? I, for one, do not believe in coincidences. "
Jahaan-Aara scoffed with disbelief. She forgot how blunt and straightforward he was. "I never hunted your sister. After I left the haveli I spent time on the streets. Brother Saif helped me and bought me here. I didn't spy or stalk your family."
He chuckled. "Ah, my nephew the good Samaritan helping a damsel in distress; how convenient (!)"
He took his foot off the stool and stood straight. "Have you seen the view from here? It's celestial."
"I know everything and you can't hide it any longer." Jahaan-Aara refused to dance around the issue.
"The sky is clear." He looked up. "You can see the stars. In London, it's polluted. Black sky."
His lack of interest in the conversation infuriated her.
"You haven't changed. Still the same rude Rohail Saab."
"My family is none of your business. Stay out of it." He turned on his back foot and gazed at her. "You look well, they feeding you? Still the same argumentative and bolshie Noorie?"
Noorie? How could she be angry with him? He had a style to melt her anger. He dabbed his cigar in on the wall. "My sister has a soft heart; she is drawn to sad cases. Don't go telling tales."
"You mean don't tell her the truth, about you proposing to me whilst your wife was sectioned in a mental asylum."
"No. She knows my nature; women love me." He smiled. "That won't worry her."
"Then what?" She searched his decadent open collar. His shirt was unbuttoned to half his chest. He neared her reaching out to her. She flinched.
"Don't tell her that I kissed your sassy mouth. She expects the worst from me, but I don't want to spoil your pure image with my name."
Jahaan-Aara turned on her back foot. "You think everything is about you. You think highly of yourself." She threw her arms in the air with rage.
"Shush." He pressed his finger to his lips. "Keep your voice down. She will hear you."
"No-" Jahaan-Aara shook her head. "I will shout from the rooftops so everyone can see the real you. This is your secret." She pointed to the stairs. "This is what you couldn't tell me." She gasped. "That you dumped your wife in some mental hospital so you could live the life of a bachelor." Her voice was high pitch which stimulated his concern.
"You are-" She screwed her face. "-the most selfish of man that I ever had the misfortunate to know! No one wants you here and I know why!" She cried out.
"Shush!" He grit his teeth leaning over her.
"I hate you!" She neared him staring into his grey orbs. "I hate you with every cell in my body."
"I said quiet!" He snapped.
"I won't-"
Quickly he reached out and spun her on her heel turning her around. He smacked his harsh hand over her mouth and muffled her voice dragging her into his room. Jahaan-Aara struggled but Rohail Saab was strong and forceful. Once in the room large, dark room he shut the door and pushed her against it. He lowered to her height with his nose close to her. The strong smell of smoke assaulted her. She couldn't see him.
"Don't you dare speak of what you do not know." He growled his warm breath upon her lips. "No one knows about us. I want to keep it like that. I am here for a few days and then I will leave. You can continue your life here and I shall not bother you. Understand!?"
He released her and stepped back. Jahaan-Aara was trembling like a leaf the way he manhandled her. Her breaths ragged, she took a deep breath. She agreed. It wasn't wise if anyone found out.

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