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On the night Rachel Dunn died it rained. A cliché perhaps but the weather was oddly appropriate. People hid in the rain, retreating behind their warm doors hiding in the comfort of their families as the rain washed the Los Angeles streets clean. Unfortunately, the rain could not wash away the sins unfolding on the streets.

Hidden in nightclub corners people with beautiful smiles prayed on the drunk dancers promising them a high so good they would never come down. It wasn't the first time the words had been uttered in the city but for the first time in almost a year the deadly drug known only as Croatan hit the streets. Spurred on by the announcement of Rachel's blood.

A runner had found her while he ran down a mile-long stretch off abandoned construction sites. Shaken with fear and soaking the frantic runner had called 911. Half an hour later the LAPD and there coroner's started to arrive and block of the scene. In the distance a dark skinned FBI agent decided to make a phone call.

Half way across the city, Castiel Novak's phone decided to ring. On any other day Castiel would have ignored it, to pissed from his boyfriend's recent temper tantrum to handle human contact. But on that night something drew Castiel to look at the phone. Confusion immediately overtook the man's features as he stared at the caller ID. Immediately replaced by worry and a cold sense of resignation as he answered the call.

"Raphael." Castiel said trying to keep the fear out of his voice.

"Castiel." Raphael replied his voice cold and foreboding. "We found her. We found Rachel."

In that moment it felt like time stood still. Castiel froze trying to keep the memories of darker times at bay as he asked shakily. "Is she okay?"

In the silence that followed Castiel got his answer.

"Where are you?" He asked filled with the overwhelming desire to do something, for a second he wanted to be the person he was two years ago, the one who got answers instead of the cold silence echoing through phone calls.

Castiel listened to the brief hesitation in Raphael's breath before he whispered. "Whell's Construction on North Canard Lane."

"I'm on my way." Castiel muttered hanging up before the agent could protest. Grabbing his trench coat haphazardly Castiel practically ran to the door, down the stairs and into his car as if on Autopilot. Barely listening to the GPS instructions as he found his way to the crowed crime scene, mind racing with memories of a time he'd rather forget.

Time slowed to an almost unbearable pace as Castiel drove through late night traffic grounding to a halt at the sight of reporters and yellow tape. Opening the door Castiel was greeted to the sound of sirens, dozens of them piercing the night sky like a dying animal. Running up to the yellow tape Castiel went to reach for the badge he no longer had. A young officer tried to stop him passing when from the distance the FBI Agent approached.

"Let him through." Raphael said looming over the man, the rain soaked officer lifted the tape. Castiel pushed on barely paying attention to his former colleague instead looking at body on the ground.

Everything seemed to go silent. Castiel looked at the scene, blinking at the flash of cameras, the red and blue lights. Taking none of it in except for Rachel. Her once beautiful face was buried under bruises and her strong frame seemed to have shrunk in death. Two wings were painted underneath her. A white warning painted into their feathers "All angels fall if they lean too far - Legion."

Castiel turned away in disgust. He had seen this scene too many times before. Except with a different body. One that haunted Castiels dreams for almost a year, and with a sinking certainty Castiel realized Rachel's would as well.

Frowning Castiel tried to remember the last time he had seen Rachel. She had been a part of his last undercover mission along with Samandriel Phillips and Anna Milton. At least before it all went to hell. Rachel had been the first to disappear and one by one so did the others until Castiel was the only one left. The gang they were investigating known only as "Legion" was no doubt responsible for their disappearances. With no leads and a guilty conscience Castiel had been pulled out of his position and handed a suspension the very next day. "To come to terms with the loss" that was nine months ago. And for nine months everything had been quite, no sign of the surprising new drug that had appeared on the streets. No violence or threats, no cops being killed like Rachel had been. It was stupid to believe it would last. Castiel knew it wasn't over deep down. Not if his friends were still out there but he still had hope they were still alive.

A woman broke through the tape, her sharp grey suit standing out as a symbol of her authority. "Castiel" she said her voice sharp but not surprised.

"Naomi" Castiel replied avoiding her icy gaze. He watched her as she slipped a glare towards Raphael and then turn her attention towards Rachel instead.

Bending down she looked at the young Medical Examiner instead. "You?" She asked waiting for a name.

"Dr. Tessa Rhodes" the girl said, cat green eyes reflecting the red and blue lights.

"Well, Dr. Rhodes how long has she been like this?"

"From the position I'd estimate not long an hour, two tops. Her body shows strong signs of torture that appears to be going back a few months we'll know more post-mortem." She frowned, moving a gloved hands towards the rather large stab wound in Rachel's lower abdomen. "This wound is the most recent, she seemed to bleed out from it. Probably not here somewhere else though, there's not enough blood on site. As for the wound itself it would have taken hours to die from a wound like this, whoever made it wanted her to suffer."

Castiel flinched at that. He remembered that Rachel had been kind and loyal often to a fault. She didn't deserve this.

Naomi stood up, brushing her pant suit clean of imaginary dirt then looked at Castiel again. Lifting her hand she made a gesture for Castiel to follow her. Obeying his old boss orders, he found himself once again under the scrutiny of Naomi's piercing gaze.

"What are you doing here Castiel?" She demanded. Slowly removing latex gloves from her hands.

Castiel sighed, looking away. "Raphael called me. I know I shouldn't have come but I needed to see this for myself." Castiel said his eyes landing on Rachel as Tessa hid her broken body with a large white tarp.

Naomi followed his gaze, she seemed lost in thought for a moment before sighing as well.

Castiel looked at her guessing now was as good of times as any to ask. "Does this mean they've started again?"

"I'm afraid it does" she said somewhat reluctantly. "And it looks like they wanted to give us a message."

"What does it mean?" Castiel asked thinking about the words on Rachel's wings.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Naomi said. "But I don't think they appreciate us snooping anymore, we must be getting close."

Castiel scoffed remembering the mess the of the case he left behind. "Is there anything I can do." He asked desperate to get back into the field. It had been too long and he was driving himself crazy with a mixture of guilt and curiosity.

Naomi considered his words for a moment and took one last look at the scene around them. For the first time Castiel realized how tired she looked, "Congratulations Castiel, you're officially off suspension It'll take time to get the paperwork through but I expect to see you at the bunker tomorrow morning, 9am sharp." Castiel turned to her eyes wide but nodding that he understood. Naomi shook her head "Just don't make me regret this, Castiel." she said walking towards the reporters clumped around the police tape.

Castiel stared after her slightly dumbstruck trying to comprehend the fact that he was back. Glancing at Rachel he vowed that he would put a stop to this, for her sake as much as his own.

If only he knew then what he knew now. Maybe he could have stopped himself from making that promise. He could have stopped many things, if he only hadn't answered that damn phone.


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