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Somehow they end up in Dean's apartment. More specifically his spare room. The room is a small rectangle with a single bed shoved against the wall for when Sammy comes to stay, boxes line the other walls, or they did until Cas insisted that they stack them against the bed instead. Dean obeys without question, curious as to what the agent is thinking. He hasn't spoken since they were in the bar apart from the occasional question or command. It makes Dean nervous. Something is off about Cas. He has become cold and focused but Dean can read the tension in his shoulders. Unlike Dean who is currently lying on the bed, trying not to think of all the danger sammy could possibly be in.  Cas paces across the room like he's trying not to snap. Dean can only imagine how pissed he is, if Dean had been betrayed like that he would probably be hitting someone. Cas is different though. There is this look in his eyes that Dean can't interpret and it scares him. Old instinct kicks in and as much as Dean wants to hunt down anyone who threatens he family he wants to help Cas first. He thought that he understood Cas but this is a side he hasn't seen before. "You okay man?" Dean asks eventually when Cas has finished his fifth lap of the room.

Cas stops and looks him, his head tilted to side like it always does when he's curious. Like seeing something from a different angle will make it suddenly make sense. "Why wouldn't I be?" he says dryly.

Dean shrugs trying not to look as nervous as he is, because there is a list of reasons why Cas is not okay right now. For starters there are still bags under his eyes from this this morning and the pacing is a clear sign of how tense he is. Dean should ask about the mole, he should keep this as impersonal as possible. Instead he says. "Aren't you tired?"

"I'm fine," is Cas' dry reply and out of habit Dean rolls his eyes. This is normal for them, the questions and avoidance technique. The only difference is Cas is the one lying this time.

"Yeah, sure you are. I mean you've had what six hours sleep in the past two days?"

"Five actually."

"Well then that's just perfect. I'm sure you're just peachy." Cas raises an eyebrow at Dean's sarcasm but he doesn't say anything. Just spins around to march again. Dean sighs and rubs a hand over his face.

"Seriously Cas you should go home, sleep. We can do this stuff tomorrow."

"I can't Dean." Cas grits out and Dean can see how Cas tenses, immediately going on the defence. He tries not to be hurt by how Cas is basically shutting him out.

"Why the hell not?" Dean grits out. Rougher than he expected.

"I can't sleep." Cas sighs, he won't meet Dean's eye instead he looks at his shoes. Like he's ashamed. "I can't sleep when stuff like this happens."

"Something like that this has happened before?" Dean asks eyebrow raised wondering how many moles the FBI has had.

"Not exactly but after what happened last year I haven't been able to sleep right. So now... Now after what Gabriel just said I'd honestly be surprised if I sleep at all."

"Nightmares?" Dean guesses, Cas looks away again like he's afraid Dean's going to judge him for that. Dean sighs again. "Cas, you can't keep living like that. Do you have to go in tonight?"

Cas shrugs "Yes."

"Look I get that you feel like you need to do everything but can't you at least call in sick, get Charlie to cover for you."

"Charlie's on her way here."

"What? Why?" Dean asks. He knows his eyes are probably as wide as saucers but he can't help thinking about how anyone could be involved with this mole thing. Cas squints at Dean. "I texted her in the bar, she has some files that we are going to need. Don't worry Dean we can trust her."

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