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Lovi gagged and clutched at his throat, drawing a hissing breath past the acidic potion as fire tore his every nerve, his vision warped and darkened, and then it passed,the rage subsided in the cool air of the early evening, the waves crashing gently a little way off, his chest heaving and his toes twitching.

he groaned and rolled over, looking down at his pale legs in wonder, smiling as he pulled on the outfit and staggering to his feet, he immediately fell again, his feet numb on the cold, sharp sand. he sighed and looked around, finding himself, to his relief and dread, that he was alone here,and so he could learn to walk without suspicion, but without assistance, and so he spent the night stumbling, staggering, falling and slipping across the sand untill, as the sky turned rosey, he could stand and walk a short distance without much strain.

His practice didn't cease until the sun was High overhead, baking his shoulders and he took shelter against a cliff. He watched as Toni walked down and sat on the rock with a sigh, trailing his hands in the water "Lovi...will you come again today?" He muttered

Lovi bit his lip and stepped up onto the rocks behind him "you sound almost like you miss me you pirate bastard" he rested his hands on his hips and chuckled as Toni flinched so extremely he almost fell into the gently pitching waves "I wasn't gone that long"

He received no answer except for a firm hug, one arm around his shoulders, the other tenderly around his waist. Antonio held him there for a while, even after he hugged back, and the only sound was the ocean, crashing furiously now, and Antonio's heartbeat right in his ear.

Gem of the Sea (Mertalia SpaMano AU)Where stories live. Discover now