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He caught a glimpse of colour in the inky water below, and it was all the push he needed, Toni would need to apologize to Anuk on his behalf. He threw off his boots as quickly as he could, diving over the cliff.

The icy water burned him as scales sliced through his legs and the skin of his neck split open, air leaving him, his vision clouded and then suddenly everything was quiet, the pitching waves above became a bare current, and he could see him a little way away, thrashing in the water, trying to get his head above the surface.

Antonio flinch as strong, warm arms wrapped around his waist, hoisting him head and shoulders above the waves, pulling him towards the sand "keep breathing dammit, we're not out of here yet!" He looked down and wrapped his arms quickly around Lovi, another wave hitting him in the face and making him gasp

"What are you doing in the water?! You won't be able to change back!"

"Yeah, and you won't die, dumbass!" He let out a small sigh as his tail struck sand, they were in the shallows "how did you even end up in the water?"

As they reached the sand, Antonio pulled Lovi into a hug, up out of the waves, which had started calming little by little as soon as he was in the water "Lovino," a chill ran up his spine as the Spaniard used his full name "Lovi, mijo, you need to be careful, there is something cruel in the water, it pulled me in, it kept whispering about you, you can't go back" he pleaded, holding him tight and running a hand through his dripping hair "please don't go where I can't reach you"

Lovi sighed and kissed his forehead gently "I will come and wait at the rocks everyday for an hour, if you are late..." He paused "I will wait anyway" he forced a thin smile before pushing away from him, back into the water "now go, your sister is worried sick and you'll catch your death in this rain"

Gem of the Sea (Mertalia SpaMano AU)Where stories live. Discover now