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“the eldest leaves the sea in secret“

“bold, he jeopardizes his throne“

“indeed, and placing himself amongst humans, so easily influenced“

“we can use them, oh let us sister“

“no, we will observe for the time, pick the right target and the right moment and destroy everything he cares for“

“when the sun peaks it can only fall sisters, wait untill his hapiness is assured“

There was a cackle and a flick of dull scales and the sea trench fell silent.

Romano sat up wuth a shriek, curled up in his giant clam bed, his brothers on either side of him, the fire still burned behind his eyes, but he knew he was safe, here in the ocean he was protected but he couldn't shake the nightmare, voices he could hardly hear and a darkness heavier than any stone.

Shaking his head, he got up and sat at the window “que? Pah, gotta stop thinking about it“ he sighed and stretched a few times before swimming away.

He wasn't entirely sure why but he ended up back at the rocky outcrop where he'd met a human, it was littered with bits of wood from the ship, and the more he stared, the more curious he became of the odd pieces of treasure scattered about, assorted coins and dishes and statuettes, he sifted through them before something caught his eye, a silver cross on a fine chain, it was the length of his little finger but weighed next to nothing, it intrigued him so he put it around his neck, that's when he heard the approaching footsteps.

Gem of the Sea (Mertalia SpaMano AU)Where stories live. Discover now