Love marks

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"Yes Bambi?" I said and walked up to him while sneaking my hands around his waist. He put his arm on top of my shoulders.

"You know the boy you just beat up?" He asked and began walking to our next class together...language .

"I know OF him but not know him. All I know is that he is that school bully everyone talks about. Why?" I asked him, kind of confused what his point of asking me was.

"Well," he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand, "his name is Jung Kim chun." He said and looked at me.

I didn't reply, I was trying to think if I knew any Jung Kim chun. I couldn't think of anyone so I replied with "who is that?"

He looked at me with a surprised expression. "His father is a co-worker with your father. The most important one. I think his name is Jung taeil." He said.

Of course when he said that name all bells went off. Jung taeil is my uncle. Dad is gonna be highly pissed but, I wonder what uncle is going to say. Since after all it is HIS son.

"Yeah I know his dad, I didn't know he had a son. I guess his son didn't know who I was. Also if I don't show up at school tomorrow. Dad is punishing me." I said.

"Really?! You're dad is going to be that mad at you!!" Bam yelled.

"Yeah. Awwwww is Bambi gonna miss me? Poor baby." I asked him while squeezing his cheeks.

He swatted my hands away from his "precious" face. "No, you're gonna miss me. Because I'm the best." He said and messed up my hair.

"Whatever keeps you asleep at night." I said and continued to walk toward language class.

My desk mate is of course go Jin After what happened at lunch, I wonder what he's gonna say to me today. I walked in the classroom with bam behind me. We kept talking until we arrived at my desk.

Tae Jin was already there in his seat so, I sat down in my chair trying not to make eye contact with him. Bam was still standing next to our desk and glared at him. Go jin just smirked and sat back waiting to see if bam would do anything.

To make sure bam wouldn't do anything stupid. I whipped out my phone and started texting him.

To Bambi:
Bam, it's fine. I'm a big girl if he tries anything like hitting me. I'll kick the shit out of him. Now go sit down. <3

He looked up back at me. I did a small smile and a wave. He nodded his head and walked to his desk. Which was in the front. His desk mate was that annoying girl tae Ji. I feel sorry for the poor boy.

My focus on bam was interrupted by a hand waving in my face. I turned to the person who puts a sour taste in my mouth.

"What do you want?" I said with an annoyed voice.

"Oh...look who's getting sassy with me." He said in shock. "You're one heck of a girl t. Kang. Stepping up for that boy and saying you would fight me." He said and squeezed my arm to feel my "muscles".

"You're an idiot and, I mean what I said. I don't care who you are and what your family does." I said and turned away from him because the teacher had just came in.

"Please turn to page 40." He said and we began class.


After school, I walked home by myself. I didn't mind it but usually I walked home with Bambi. He feels like even if it's just me and I know how to protect myself, I still need a man to protect me. He's so ridiculous.

While  I was walking home still. A black car pulled up beside me. I thought they were going to get some food from the cafe beside me, so I continued walking.

"T!" I turned around and saw my new friends jimin and jungkook.

"Oh hey you guys. Is there something you need?" I waved and asked them.

They both laughed and we did a little group hug."no we just saw you walking and wanted to say hi. Also, namjoon hyung wants to know what you're doing this weekend?"

I looked at them and too the black car and saw everyone waving at me. So I waved back with a smile. "I'm eating dinner with my mom and dad's friends." They looked so sad. "But this Sunday me and bam are hanging out at his house so we won't have any plans. Why?"  Trying to make them happy again.

"Because we're gonna go to itaewon to shop, eat, and watch a movie. We wanted to know if you would like to come." The boys smiled at me, hopping I would say yes.

"Of course, is it okay for bam to come?" I asked.

"Yeah! More the merrier. Plus I think hope hyung likes him a lot." He held his hand to cover his mouth when he told me that. I laughed.

"Okay well I have to go my doengsaeng.(doengsaeng- younger brother or sister) " I hugged them both and waved to the others and kept walking home.

I finally arrived home, "appa! Eomma! Edward! Are you guys home ?" I yelled through my house because it was big enough for 100 people to live in it.

"Oh you're home, my office now! Thumper." My dads voice roared through the house. He's mad... Yay.

I walked upstairs to his office. I was hesitant to open the door. But I twisted the handle and walked in with my head down.

"Yes father ?" I asked him low and a bit of fear could be noticed.

"How was school? Did you get into any fights?" He knew what happened, I mean uncles son is a huge snitch and a cry baby.

"Father if I knew who he was I wouldn't have done what I did. But then again he deserved it he was picking on a kid who is way smaller then him. It was a disgrace to see." i picked up my head to see his expression.

Blank, that was his face, his face showed nothing. I was concerned about it. So I just kept my head down.

"So you're telling me you beat him up. Your uncle's son, who you didn't know know whom son he is, and you almost cause me a head ache to deal with." He said an got up from his chair and came walking toward me.

"Pick your head up thumper." I did as he said and he had punched me in my body fell from the blow and I landed on the floor, that's where I stayed. He also kicked me twice in my stomach and my sides.

"What a fucking brat you are. Are you dumb and ugly?! Why couldn't I a son?!"  He screamed after he was done yelling all sorts of thing walked out and probably drove to the storage house. That's where he keeps all his "utilities".

I stayed where I was to make sure he was gone. When I confirmed it, I got up and walked out of his office and went to my bathroom to see the damage.

I looked in the mirror I could tell I would have bruise on my cheek tomorrow. I lifted up my shirt ad saw some little bruise from today, then I saw some other marks from a long time ago. What an amazing dad right ? He does it cause he loves me he says.

I walked over to my bed and layed. I wonder where my husband is. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.


Sorry for not updating I had no power or data and I was traveling 9 hours so but I had time to write this chapter. So please comment, vote, and share. Also I have my Jackson want fan fic for yo guys too.
#1358 words

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