Sleep over

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For dinner auntie made 라면(ramyeon) and 김치 (kimchi). It was delicious, I haven't had a hot meal in a few months. After dinner I changed into my pajamas. They were blue, with Ryan from kakao on them. He was my favorite character, he's a little teddy bear with attitude, which is why I love him.

I brushed my hair out and tied half of it up and left some of it flow down my back. I washed my face to get off my makeup and then walked outside.

"Daebak thumper unnie , you're so pretty without makeup." I looked down and saw my little bundle of joy, jo hi.

"Thank you sweetie, but you're prettier then me, you must be getting all kinds of love letter from the boys in your class and other 2nd grade classes. Maybe even the whole school." I pinched her cheeks and gave her a sly smirk.

Her pale face became a rosy tomato, it was so cute. "Ani (아니/no), you have it mixed up, I'm not that pretty, but there is a boy I like unnie. But you can't tell anyone !" Her eyes were so big when she yelled I couldn't tell anyone. She must really like this boy.

"Arraso (알려/ i understand/ I know), who is it?" I asked her. She made a motion with her hand for me to come closer. I moved my head so my ear was infront of her. She covers her hands on my ear and her mouth.

She whispered "his name is hiro." She giggled and covered her hot cheeks.

I smiled at her and held out my pinkie. "I will
Not tell a soul about this conversation." She wrapped her pinkie with mine and, we stamped our thumbs together.

We walked hand in hand toward the loft, this is where all the children will be sleeping. I opened the mahogany brown door, our eyes were filled with folded blankets, ten fluffy pillows, a bunch of stuffed animals, and some candy and popcorn in a plastic tub. The tv was turned on to Netflix, and on the screen it was showing a Disney movie.

Me and jo hi walked in and grabbed two blankets each. One to lay on and the other to cover up with. After we had our blankets laid out, I turned around and walked to the pile of pillows. I grabbed two pillows and threw them at jo hi.

The pillow had hit the back of her head and she turned around with a sulking face. "Unnie ( why)?"

I looked at my pretty little girl and said "because I wanted to see my pretty girls reaction." I said and smiled. She just giggled , and picked up the pillows and put them out nicely on our pallet.

The door opened with a creak. I turned my head, my eyes met with yungsae. I looked away first, so he wouldn't get the wrong idea. Jo hi got up and ran to her big brother. He picked her up and twirled her around. I forgot how good he was with kids.

"Hey thumper," a kind smile showed on his face, "its good to see that you're smiling a lot more than usual, not being all sad and sulky. I'm glad you're happier." I nodded my head and said "thank you."

He was still so kind even after everything. I couldn't date him, it broke my heart the first day he confessed his feelings.

*cue flash music*

"Yah! Thumper!"

I turned my head to the left, I saw a panting yungsae trying to keep up with his long legs that were far ahead of him.

"Yungsae why are you running, is someone chasing you?" I screamed, I looked behind him and didn't see anyone.

He kept running, he was getting closer and closer till, we collided. We both fell, he ended up on top of me. So when I saw that I sort of blushed and pushed him off me screaming.

"Pabo! Why were you running when we were so close ?" I got up, fixed my skirt and hair and held my hand out for the dork on the concrete.

"My bad. I just wanted to see you before last day of school". He rubbed the back of his neck like he was thinking about something.

"Also thumper, I have something important to say that I have I need to get off my chest." I shook my head for him to continue. He took a deep breath and said "I like you." He grabbed my hands in his and started tracing circles with his thumb.

I was shocked. My Bestfriend's brother liked me, he was like a brother to me. Both of them. I cam back o my senses and pulled my hand away from him.

I looked at him with a straight face. "Forget your feelings for me because I do not like you." I turned away and started my path to my house. I didn't look back. I knew he was crushed I hope he just didn't hate me.


The two boys and the man made it to the mansion. When they walked in the youngest said "leader hyping we're here with jamboo."

They continued walking and ended up in a office. The chair was spun around so that jamboo and the boys couldn't see his face. "Okay, take him into the bathroom so he can shower. Order the maids to measure and to give him the finest suit."

"Yes sir." The boys said at the same time and they both walked out the door leaving jamboo and the leader

"How have you been?" The leader asked jamboo in a sincere voice.

Jamboo chuckled and said "I've been better, when I didn't have to worry weather i ate tonight or not." He ran his finger through his hair, or at least he tried. His fingers stopped half way because his hair was so matted no even a brush would help it.

"You'll eat tonight , but before that I need your help. I want you to become your old self. Act how I business man should. You got it." The leader said. He walked toward jamboo, put his arm around his shoulder and guided him to another room.


Sorry for the late update, my phone was ran over by a car, and I also went to Hawaii so like always please enjoy.

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