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The rest of the week went by in a flash. Doctors rushing around me, poking me with weird, pointy things, and everything that could annoy and hurt you, happened. I tried staying happy, but after the day I woke up, Aaron wasn't seen again. Every time I heard the door open, my heartbeat quickened, but found that it wasn't him, and sunk back to the depths in which it had emerged. After a while, I gave up on it, just laying there and doing whatever the doctors wanted me to do. Being poked and prodded with unknown objects, needles, and other assorted items, until today.

Today was the day I got to go home. H-O-M-E. The place I've been wanting to go for quite sometime. Well... ever since the first trip to this forsaken place. It played over and over in my mind, I never wanted to forget that day. That one and only day. The day I thought he liked me back. I sat in the waiting room, waiting for Anita to pick me up in her bright yellow car. I hated that car. It was BLINDING to even LOOK at! A small pain famed through my body, and racked up my spine. I winced until the pain subsided. A few moments of staying hidden within my own thoughts, I see Anita bounce in, her long, curly black hair boncing around like nobody's business. I never quite understood how hers was so long...but so full of curls of every other sort! Mine... well... was a mess of golden hair. It looked pretty when I brushed it... but that wasn't extremely often. A small sigh escaped as I watched Anita, along with my mother none-the-less, check me out of this wretched place. I was through. I wanted to leave. After about a minute, Anita and my mother came over, and I was showered with kisses from my worried mother..."Oh honey! Are you alright?" She cupped my face in her hands and I responded...

"I'm just fine."

"What happened?"

"I-I don't know."

"Let's get you home dear.." And with that, my mother and Anita helped me out of the hospital and into Anita's yellow bug. The rest of the day was uneventful, I mostly slept, and waited for my mom to bring home my schoolwork. The next few days were just like the first, sleeping, then doing schoolwork. Sooner or later I would have to go back to school, but my over-protective mother was determined to keep me home. Ugh! It's annoying! I actuallu MISS school now! But mom says tomorrow, she will send me back to school. "...But if you feel bad, just call home and I'll come get you." Yeah right...

The next morning I got up and went over to my closet, before picking out some jeans and a blue polo. I looked in the mirror and touched my hair experimentally. The golden tangles were rough and gravelly, so I took out my brush and set out on the task of brushing the mop I called my hair. Once the very laborious task was completed, I started out towards the red brick school, my shoulder bag hanging at my side as I walked. I slipped into the school and into my class, just a second away from the bell. "Well, welcome back." The deep voice came from behind me and I froze, knowing who it was. But I simply turned around and looked Aaron in the eye. "Yep, I'm back."

He chuckled. What's so funny? I thought before Aaron answered my un-asked question, "It's good to have you back, it seemed like the class was getting lonely without you."

I searched his words for any trace of sarcasm and found some. A little, but it was still there. I glared at him a little before facing forward. As the teacher began our lesson with role call I settled into a daze that let me understand what the teacher was saying... just not really care about it... as always. After my classes were over, Anita came up and met me in home room. She looked at me with a wide smile on her face, "Hey, want to walk home from school today?" A sense of forboding crept into my gut and I knew she was up to something.."Why today? Why not tomorrow?" I must have sounded my emotions, because Anita just replied, "I want to walk home with you today. Is that so wrong?"

I sighed. What was wrong with me? Suddenly turning down my friends, because they want to walk home with me. "No.." I admitted, "Nothings wrong with that. We can walk together today ."

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