Jungkook X Reader (Part 2 to X Reader)

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Jungkook's POV:

I was not expecting to see _____ making out with Jin when I got home before the guys. Actually, I did not expect to see _____ making out with anyone. She's so innocent that it's really hard to believe. But when I saw her, heard her, how she was moaning for Jin. I wanted that. I wanted her to moan my name. I wanted her to be mine. I know all of us like her, and I had to make Jin a deal. Only him and I are allowed to kiss her, we don't want the other guys to get any ideas or she'll probably move out if it gets too much. We only want her to choose between the two of us. I remember her telling us that Jin is her bias, and that I'm her main bias wrecker. But she also told me that I'm her little sister's age, and she would be more cautious around me whenever I did something too sexy. But I'm tired of seeing her staring at me like I'm a little kid. I want her to stare at me like a man. The guys are out right now, which means it's just ______ and I. It's a perfect time to do this. 

I walk out into the living room, she's cleaning up her bed from the night before. We didn't fully think this through when we asked her to live with us, so she's stuck sleeping in the living room. "Do you need help?" She looks up at me, "yeah. I do." I walk over and start picking up a few things, "thanks Jungkook." "No problem," I smile at her and she smiles back. We finish cleaning up, and now the living room is back to normal. She stretches a bit, I can tell she's not wearing a bra under the shirt she wore last night. Her hair is in a messed up ponytail, her shirt is a little too long on her, so it covers most of her pj shorts. She just looks so... "Why aren't you with the guys?" "Oh, I'm not on schedule yet. I won't be till tonight." "So I guess it's just the two of us today." "Yeah." Perfect. "I should shower, I've been up for a while." Oh fuck... No! I can't do that. If I want to do this, I have to do it now. "How about you wait on that shower for a bit." "Why?" I step closer to her and she looks up at me curiously. "Jungkook?" "Now don't get too scared." "Huh?" I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to me causing her to squeak.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" She pushes on me a bit but I don't let go. "I'm sorry _____, but I've been waiting to do this for a long time." I start leaning down but she covers my mouth with her hand. "Jungkook please don't." I move my head away from her hands. "When will you see me as a man and not as a boy?" "It's just weird for me Jungkook. You're the same age as my little sister. And knowing that is weird for me. You could date her." "That's not good enough of a reason _____. You keep treating me like a boy, meanwhile you treat the others as men. I'm tired of it. I want you to see me as a man. Allow me to be your first kiss. No one else." She freezes up and looks down. I've noticed it's been a little awkward between her and Jin lately. Maybe she still can't understand the whole thing. "I...I..." I shouldn't give away that I already know about her first kiss. I gently hold her chin and have her look up at me. "______. I promise to stay gentle, I'll only do more if you ask me to." "Jung...Jungk..." "I'm not hearing a no," I whisper as I lean down. "See me as a man _____," I whisper against her lips and she squeaks. 

I slowly kiss her and I get really excited. I'm finally kissing her. Her lips mold into mine perfectly. I keep her still against me as I continue to kiss her. I slowly break the kiss, "how was that," I mumble against her lips. She's breathing heavy. "How about I make this a little more comfortable." "H-how?" I smile against her lips and give them a peck. I stand up and keep hold on her chin. She stares up at me with her big, innocent eyes. Fuck... Take it easy Jungkook... Maybe this is how Jin felt when he first kissed her, with reality slapping him in the face. I guide her over to the couch, never letting go, and her eyes never left mine. I sit us down and she looks around, finally realizing that we moved. She was in too much of a daze to notice. "Ju-Jung-Jungk-" "Only stutter when I make you feel good ____," I whisper in her ear and she freezes up. "Would you like me to make you feel good?," I bite her ear lightly and she sucks in a breath. "I think that's a yes," I chuckle and kiss where I bit. "Now, you don't have to kiss me back. But I would love it if you do." "Jungkook," she whispers. "Just relax, and I'll do all of the work." 

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