BTS X Reader (Part 10)

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*Warning for this one.*

Rapmon's POV:

Ever since I met her, I refused to show my dark side to her. I've gained her trust the most this past half year. Hell, I was even the one who suggested she lives with us. "Rapmon? Are you okay?" "I'm just nervous that's all." She places her hands over mine, "I trust you Rapmon." "I'm so glad to hear that," I whisper and lean down. I slowly kiss her and something fills me, I've never felt like this before. She slowly kisses me back, ah fuck... I pick up the pace of the kiss and she squeaks into the kiss. She tries to break the kiss but I keep her in place. I guide her over to a bed and get her to lay down. Fuck fuck... "Na-Namjoon," she mumbles into the kiss. I get on top of her and move to her neck. "Namjoon," she whines. Fuck!... It's happening... It's taking over.. I pull her shirt up and she gasps. I lick my lips and go down. "Rapmon, s-stop." But I can't ignore it. It's taken over. She wiggles underneath me and I forcefully hold her down. "Ra!-," but I cover her mouth. I manage to get shorts off and shove them away. She mumbles into my hand and tries to push me away. I rip her shirt off and start kissing all over her body while I hold her panties. She screams into my hand but I grip her face more. "Shut. Up," I growl. "Hey, Namjoon. What's taking you!?," I hear Jungkook yell. I start to pull her panties down and I hear the door slam open. 

"NAMJOON! STOP!," Jimin yells. I feel them pull me but I refuse to let go. "GET OFF OF HER!," Jin yells. "SNAP OUT OF IT!," Min Yoongi yells. They manage to pull me off of her but I fight back. "PLEASE STOP!," she screams and I feel her get pulled away from me. "LET GO OF ME!," I scream and try to break free. "SNAP OUT OF IT! THIS ISN'T YOU!," Jungkook yells. They hold me down to the floor and I look up at her between Taehyung's legs who's standing in front of me. She's screaming and crying, holding onto Jin who's also covering her. I try to push the guys off but they keep me still. "SNAP! OUT OF IT!," Taehyung yells and punches my face. I blink a few times, the noise finally come back to my ears. My breathing calms down and focus again. I slowly look up at her, and that's when it hits me. I let it take over. I let my dark side take over. No. NO! "Get her out of here Jin," I hear Min Yoongi say. "We have a feeling she picked you, so just get her out of here." I watch Jin carry her out, still screaming and crying. Screaming and crying because of me. "_____! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!," I cry out and the guys keep their hold on me. 

"I'm so sorry!," I cry hard, they finally let me go and I just lay on the floor. 


"Why would he do that!?," I hear her through the door. It's been a while since what happened, and I'm just hating myself for this. I caused this. She trusted me, and I broke it. I scared her. Now she's refusing to see me. "There's a reason he was the most protective of you _____." She's with Jin, the one she should be with. He doesn't have a dark side like the rest of us. The guy's have their own little dark side, well except for Jin. But their dark sides are more controllable. "He has another side to him that he was hiding from you. His dark side. He can't control it. It takes over and he can't think straight. He was so scared of hurting you, that he decided to be protective of you. Mainly to protect you from him." "I trusted him Jin! I trusted him!...," she cries. The difference between what I did and the others. I actually forced her to. The others asked. And they stayed themselves with her. I let my other side take over. This is killing me to hear. "It's going to be okay _____. He's his normal self now. He won't hurt you." "I don't care! I don't think I can see him now!" I don't blame her... "_____," I speak up by the door. 

"I'm so sorry that I had hurt you. Out of everyone, I was the last one you expected to hurt you. Listen, I don't blame you for not wanting to see me. So I'm telling you this now. Be with Jin." The guys look at me in shock. "Be with Jin. He's the best one for you. I know he'll never hurt you. I knew as soon as I saw Jin walk out, that you had made up your mind. You picked him. You felt something with him and he felt something with you. You're meant to be with him." It was meant to be that Jin was her first kiss. So it's meant to be that he becomes her first boyfriend. "I'll keep saying sorry for what I did. I have no excuse. I should've fought that side of me better. I should've just thought of you. You're... You're my light. My hope. You push back the darkness within me. I know you can't believe me right now. But please, give it time." I walk away from the door and go outside. It's freezing out but I don't care that I'm only wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I look up at the sky and slowly cry. "I promise _____. To never hurt you again." 


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