BTS X Reader (Last part)

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*Few months later*

Rapmon's POV:

I hear them giggle in the kitchen and look over at them. He has his arms wrapped around her from behind and lightly kissing her neck, making her giggle. "Jin stop," she laughs. "I'm trying to cook." "But I just love kissing you," he laughs. "You can kiss me later mister, we gotta finish dinner." I can't help but smile at them. I knew in the end that she was meant to be with him. Even the guys knew it, it's been right in front of them this whole time. They just didn't want to believe it. "How does this taste Jin?" "Mmmm. Delicious." "You always say that." "Well your cooking is always delicious," he chuckles. "Is food ready yet you two!?," Jimin yells as he walks in. He just went for a run and he's breathing heavy. "Almost!," they yell in unison. Jimin takes off his shirt and plops down next to me on the couch. Things have been going smooth these past few months. She's still living with us, still sleeping in the living room. But we do give them their privacy every once in a while. They still haven't had sex though, which is probably a good thing for them. No need to rush it. 

They walk out with the food, "dinner!," they yell in unison and we get off the couch. "Great, I'm starving," J-Hope says as he walks out. "Smells great," Suga says. "Jimin, do we need to talk about it again," Jin puts his hands on hips and stares at Jimin. "Just because my girlfriend has gotten used to you being shirtless, is not an excuse for you to be shirtless while we eat. Go put on a shirt." "Yes mom," Jimin says sarcastically and walks to the bedroom. "It's for your own good! I don't want you to burn yourself!" "Jin, one of these days we have to let him be shirtless at the table." "No way, he's not burning himself." "I agree with your girlfriend!," Jimin shouts from the bedroom and we laugh. Jimin comes back out with a shirt on and sits down with us. "Where's Jungkook?" "I'm here!," he yells and runs out. "Were you talking to your girlfriend," _____ grins and Jungkook turns red. "Yes, I was talking to your sister." "You can say girlfriend Jungkook. I was the one who set you two up in the first place." "Enough chit chat, I wanna eat," Jin whines and pouts cutely at her. "Okay okay, but first a kiss for the cooks." They quickly kiss and she giggles. 

I'm happy for them. I really am. They're meant to be. I love seeing her smile and laugh. But part of me still thinks back to that night when our relationship changed forever...


Jin's POV:

It's after dinner, and ____ and I are in my bed. Just sitting from across each other, being cute with each other. I'm so glad that I can call her mine. When I first kissed her, I got that special feeling. When I kissed her again when I was giving her advice, I felt it again. I've never felt that way in the past. That's how I knew she was the one. I'm just glad she felt it too. We haven't had sex yet, hell, we haven't done anything crazy. I just love being cute with her, and that's fine with me. "Jin, I have a surprise for you." "As do I." She reaches under the bed and pulls out a big present bag. I laugh, get up, and go to my closet. Pulling out a large present bag as well. I quickly go back over to the bed and sit in front of her. We trade presents and open them. We both squeal, "I LOVE IT JIN!" I gave her a pink Yoshi, and she gave me a new Mario plush. She hugs me tightly, causing me to fall back onto my back we laugh. She kisses me and I smile into the kiss. She breaks the kiss and rests her forehead on mine. "I love it Jin. You knew I've been trying to get it for a while now." "I did. And I love mine." I wrap my arms around her and slowly rub her back. She closes her eyes and smiles. "That feels nice." "I know you love it." "And you were the first one to figure it out." 

She sits up and slightly sits on me. "Hey, _____." "Yeah Jin?" "I was wondering... How do you feel about Namjoon now?" She sighs and lets her head hang forward. "I've been trying. I really am." "But are you still scared of him?" She hasn't let Namjoon touch her once since that night. It took her a month to finally speak to him again, not just a word being spoken, an actual sentence. But things are still awkward between them. They were once so close, but then that night happened. She was his light, his hope. But she just couldn't push back his darkness in that moment. She lets out a sigh and close her eyes. "I feel bad that I've pushed him away... I really do... But that night... He just wasn't himself... He wasn't the Rapmon that I grew to trust..." "And you've never seen him the same way again." She nods and starts crying. "Sh.. It's okay..." "I see the hurt in his eyes Jin, I know he's hurt that I've pushed him away." "Sh... Hey, how about I remind you how you two once were. Do you want to hear that?" She nods and I wipe her tears. 

"You two were really close, you trusted him the most because he was the first one to find you. He not once let you saw his dark side, because he cared about you that much. You were best friends. If there was ever a situation, you went to him. Do you remember that?" "Yeah..." "You were his light, his hope. He controlled himself for you. You were the main person he cared about. You were that important to him, and still are." "I am?" "You are. He cares about you so much." She opens her eyes and I wipe her new tears. "I have to talk to him Jin. But I don't know what to say." "I can help you with that." 



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Rapmon's POV:

I blast my headphones and sit on the stairs. I've been doing this a lot lately at night now. I like looking up at the stars and listen to my music. It's what _____ first did when she started living with us, but I was the only one who knew about it. So I started joining her. We wouldn't talk much, but it was nice. I miss those nights. I see someone out of the corner of my eye and they sit down. I look over at them and stare at her in shock. "_____. I thought you were sleeping." "I couldn't sleep. Plus, I missed doing this. With you." "So have I." She puts one earbud in and she presses play on her mp3. I see what song is playing, Hold Me Tight. I sigh and look up at the stars. "I've missed you _____." "....I've missed you too." "You have." "Mhm. I miss the old days of us." "But then I ruined it," I mumble and pound my fist on the ground. She quickly grabs my hand and I look down. "Please don't hurt yourself Rapmon." "I had hurt you _____. I made you not trust me. It's fair." "Stop it. Stop talking like that."

I slowly look at her face. "I came out here for a reason Rapmon." "What's that?" "To do this. Lean down." I slowly lean down and freeze when she kisses my cheek. She gently holds the side of my face and rubs her thumb slowly. I close my eyes at her touch. "You like that..." "I do..." "I'll still be your light Rapmon. I'll push back the darkness within you." "...No. I can't hurt you again. I can't control the darkness within me." "I believe that you can. Look at me." I open my eyes and look at her. "I won't leave your side again. I'll stay your light and you stay my protector." "That's Jin now." "Jin's my boyfriend. My heart. But you're my protector. That's different. You always protected me the most. I believe in you Rapmon." I slowly start crying, "can you trust me?," I sing like how it's sung in Hold Me Tight. "I told Jin that I would do this, he approved, so it's okay." "Do what?" She leans in and gently kisses me. I freeze up and try to pull away but she holds the back of my neck gently. She rubs the back of my neck and keeps the kiss sweet. My hands start shaking and I grip the stairs. No. You're not going to win again. You're not going to scare her again. 

She slowly breaks the kiss and she smiles at me, "see. You're okay." "I'm so scared _____," I whisper. "I know you are... But I'm here for you." "Promise me, that you'll push me away for good if I snap again." "I can't make that promise." "Why?" "Because I know you won't. You have me." She kisses me again and I rest my head on her shoulder. "Why are you so sweet..." "I just care about you, like you care about me," she says in my ear. She wraps her arms around me and rubs my back slowly. "I love you ____," I whisper. "I won't ever stop loving you. Even if you get married to Jin. Even when I meet someone else. I won't ever stop loving you. You've changed me for the better." I slowly hug her back, "I love you too Rapmon." I smile at that and finally relax. This is how our relationship is meant to be. 

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