Jin X Reader: Wedding Night

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*Few years later*

Jin's POV:

I loosen my tie and let out a deep breath, "nervous?" I turn around and see Namjoon. "A little, mainly for her." "She trusts you. Or else she wouldn't have married you." I smile to myself, this morning before the wedding, I thought of what got us to date in the first place. We were all idiots back then trying to hook up with the same girl. But that same girl, chose me to be her first boyfriend. And now tonight will be her first time having sex. During our first year of dating, we only did cute things which I didn't mind. But then she started to get curious, remembering what happened with the guys and I. She started getting more comfortable with me, so we started foreplay. Over the years, it's only been light foreplay and cute stuff. We've never actually seen each other naked though. The only one who's seen her almost naked has been Suga, which annoyed me at first. When she became mine, I questioned all of the guys to make sure that they would not do anything. They promised me they wouldn't. Call me protective, but we all hooked up with her, I had to make sure they didn't do anything or had thoughts. 

"It's weird to think though." "What is?" "Well you know she's not my first, I had sex a few times before I met her. It's just weird to think, I actually haven't had sex this long, but I don't mind." Namjoon pats my shoulder, "it just shows more how much you love her. You were willing to wait." I look down at my wedding ring and smile, "yeah. I was." "And I've already spoken with her about tonight." "You did?" "Let's just say, she's nervous. But I helped her out." "Is she nervous because it's with me..?" "No, she's just unsure of what to do." I chuckle at that, "still cute and innocent as the day we met her." 


Rapmon's POV night before:

She paces the room nervously, she's not allowed to see Jin 24 hours before the wedding and it's making her nervous. It doesn't matter that she's gotten older and more experience, she's still innocent with a few things. "Like what do I do!?" I knew the one thing she would be nervous about is her first time. But at least her first time will be with her soon to be husband. "____, are you nervous that it's with Jin?" She shakes her head, "I trust him." "That's good, you need to have trust while doing it." "But it's just, I just, what do I do!? All we've done is light foreplay as he calls it!" She groans and sits on the floor. I smile at her and go over to her. I sit down and she rests against me. "I'm going to tell you this now, I know Jin, he's not into crazy things." "I'm aware he's not a virgin," she mumbles. "Which means he knows things." "He knows things but he's not crazy. Like I am." She's now fully aware of my experience and what I like. I couldn't lie to her when she asked me a year ago. She wasn't surprised though. 

"He'll probably just want to do the normal sex position, you on the bottom and him on top." She nods, "okay." "Have you guys done fingering?" She shakes her head. "Okay, he's probably going to do that. Did he explain it to you?" She shakes her head again. Come on Jin, I know you guys have been doing foreplay, but what exactly have you been doing? "It's when he'll insert his fingers in you, it can be one, or more. It might hurt at first, but it'll soon feel good. The main reason he'll do it is so he can stretch you out." "Stretch me out?" "You're tight, because you're a virgin. He'll want to stretch you out so it doesn't fully hurt when you actually have sex." "....How much will it hurt?" "It'll hurt at the beginning, he'll take his time. If it hurts too much, tell him, he'll stop." She wraps her arms around my waist, "but what do I do?" "Since it'll be your first time, just do what you've normally done with him. Allow him to treat you." "Thanks Rapmon." I kiss the top of her head, "always here for you when you need me." 


Jin's POV:

"I just got a text from Jungkook that she's at the suite now. She wanted to say bye to her family first before she headed up." "Okay, thanks." Jungkook and her sister are now engaged, it's so funny to think how Jungkook used to like _____, and is now engaged to her little sister. "You ready?" "Yeah." He gives me a smile, "good luck." I knew I made the right choice in making Namjoon my best man. "Thanks," I smile back. I walk out of the room and I see the guys. "Crazy to think, huh," Jimin says. "Yeah." "Well you better get going, she had me walk her up and I can tell she's a little nervous," Hobi says. "Thanks, I'm heading up there now." 

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