Following Dark Trails

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Third Person's P.O.V

Zayn picked himself up off the snowy ground. He looked at his hands, where a small drop of blood oozed from a tiny cut he had mysteriously gotten.

Cream meowed and wailed and complained, and was trying to run off in the direction the gray blur ran off to, but Harry held her leash tightly.

"We have to follow it!" Liam said determinedly. All the boys nodded, but looked a little hesitant, not knowing what was in there. With Cream leading the way, they made their way into te forest.

It was slowly getting darker, and the shadows were quickly creeping in. In the distance, a bark sounded. Niall flinched.

After a little while they noticed a path, that could have only been created from constant treading. They decided to follow it. It lead down a hill, which ended with a short but steep cliff.

Harry got down on his knees, and peered over the edge. He gasped. There, in the clearing under the cliff, was a pack of wolves, spread out, barking at each other, with a human girl sitting cross legged beside a smaller wolf.

She looked down at it when the wolf barked at her and she giggled, petting it on it's head and barked back. The boys looked at each other in confusion. Zayn's hand shifted and a small shower of pebbles went down into the clearing. The boys jolted back as quick as they could, but not before seeing all the heads of the wolves snap up to the edge.

They heard harmonized growls, and a deep lengthy snarl. The boys heard a quick, sharp bark, and winced. They were beginning to panic. Suddenly, from nearby, up on the top of the cliff, they heard sniffing. Cream sniffed as well, and let out an excited meow.

Then sniffing stopped, and out from the bushes and trees, jumped a young wolf. She snarled for a second before stopping short with a surprised squeak. She shook her head before sitting. The boyband looked at her with confusion evident on their faces. Wasn't she going to attack them?

Suddenly the she-wolf hunched over, and her fur melted into her body. The 5 boys watched in awe and surprise, until she stood up. She was a human now! She lifted her head, and the band gasped in shock.

It was Claire.


🎉 happy valentines day! So yeah! Sorry it's short! I need a name for you guys! (Only of course, if your a 'fan' of my books)) How about you guys are my raindrops? Anyways, yeah! Sorry for not updating, 48586% writers block, and highschool sucks, and I'm having a lot of family issues... But it's all gud!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2014 ⏰

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