Seeing The Boys Again!!

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Louis' P.O.V

It's my birthday today. Its not the happiest, even though the boys have tried the hardest to make me smile. It is Claire's birthday today, too.

"Why don't we go for a walk, Cream needs fresh air, and so do you, Im thinking." Harry asked. Cream is Harry's cat, and is treated like a human, and is walked like a dog.

"Ok, lets get ready" Liam ordered.

"We are going to the RedFlower Forest guys" Liam added.

We all got bundled up, it was snowing hard ouside. We dragged the cat on a leash, getting odd looks from people on the street.

We entered the forest. As we were walking in, I saw some bushes rustling, and Cream's hair rose slightly. Usually she's really good, so I guess Harry didn't have a good grip on her leash, but she ripped away from him and she ran off into the bush.

I heard a sigh, a small growl, then a squirrel bounce from the bushes. It had fur the same color as Claire's hair! It stopped in the middle of the pathway and turned its head to us. It had glowing pale yellow eyes, just like Claire's!! It froze, then slowly made its way across the path.

"Claire?" I whispered, and the squirrel turned when I said it, and gave me a sad glance, and I knew at that moment, that it WAS her. I don't know how, I just knew.

It ran off into the bushes, in the same direction as Cream. The other boys were crying, and I realized so was I. Niall was on his knees in the snow, Zayn was bawling into his hands, Liam was crying silent tears and Harry was just the same as Zayn. "That was Claire!" Niall wailed.


Claire's P.O.V (wolf form)

It was early morning. I yawned, and pawed at my muzzled. I lifted my head up, and saw there was snow outside the den. I looked around and saw I was the only one up. My brother Miko was snoring beside me.

I poked and prodded him until he woke up a bit. "Go way Claire!" He grumbled.

I nipped him and he was up. "Geez, why did you need to wake me up at dawn?" He growled quietly at me. "I wanna go and ask Father if we can go patrol, just us two! We haven't done that in ages!" I barked quietly. He got up and sighed.

"Fiiiiiiiine" he grumbled and we picked our way of the den. As we got outside, he shoved me and I fell in the snow.

He huffed with laughter.

"What was that for?" I snarled at him.

"For waking me up early!" He replied cockily and we walked walked into Larook's den.

Larook's head lifted as we padded inside. "How may I help you?" He asked us as we walked into the den.

"Father, can we go patrol near the village? We haven't patrolled together for ages!" I pleaded.

"Sure, but hunt on the way back" he instructed.

"Thanks Father!" We yelped.

We ran out of the den and into the territory.

We reached the footpath the humans use. We walked slowly along the border, behind the bushes, making sure our pelts blended in with the snow.

'I wonder if I will ever see Louis or the others ever again?' I thought, but shook my head.

'I can't.' I told myself. We heard footsteps crunching into the snow, and we flattened ourselves down.

We sniffed the air. It was humans! And a... Cat? We looked at each other confused. Usually they have dogs? Miko's tail brushed against the bush and we saw the cat on a leash? Run past us into the bushes on the other side of the path. Miko looked after it hungrily. I sighed. "No Miko, Im going to go get it and tell it to go back to its humans" I growled to him and shifted into a squirrel. I bounced into the path, and sniffed the air. I recognize that smell! I turned my head and saw One Direction.


THE END!!!!!!!!

Ahaha jokin!!!


I walked slowly to the other side of the path, and I heard Louis whisper, "Claire?" I looked over to him and gave him a sad glance. I then bounded into the bushes on the other side and shifted into a cat. I heard Niall cry, "It WAS Claire!"

I kinda feel bad for them, but I can't abandon the pack. I ran through the bare branches, following the cat's smell. I heard a scared mewl, and walked around a tree, to find a small fluffy cream colored kitten on a leash, huddled against the trunk of the tree. It looked up at me, its gaze scared.

"Its ok! Im not going to hurt you, in fact Im going to help you!" I meowed cheerfully.

"Whats your name? Mine is Claire!" I asked.

"C-cream. And I like your name!" She said shyly.

"I like your name too!" I purred and licked her head.

"That was just me and my brother. Im sorry if we scared you." I said honestly.

"Y-your a wolf?" She asked, looking scared again.

"Well no, kinda sorta. I was born a Twoleg, but I was given the power to shapeshift and to speak any tounge. I live with a wolf pack though, because they took me in" I explained. "Im going to take you back to your Twolegs. Which one is your owner?" I asked.

"Harry bought me!" She mewled. I picked up the end of her leash in my teeth and guided the kitten to the footpath.

"This is as far as I go. Your Twolegs are just there." I said, dropping the leash. She thanked me and ran over to Harry, and he picked up Cream. I shifted into a wolf again, and dashed to the other side of the path. "Come on!! We must go quickly!" I growled to Miko and we ran back to camp, with Louis screaming "Claire!!!!!!!" after us.


Haha its over for real now. Im sorry im a bitch for doin that..... But yea heres the update!!!!¡

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