Chapter 35

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I spend about an hour around the mall finding an outfit but this isn’t working. I can’t find anything.  I don’t even know why I’m so serious about buying this outfit. It’s only a small party Ben’s throwing...

I’ve not checked my phone once since I came here and I don’t plan on texting anyone until I find this damn outfit. I see a shop with clearance sale signs in all the windows of the shop so I decide to take a look. The shop is empty which is good. I hate shopping when it’s packed.

I go through all the clothes racks full of skirts when one catches my eye. I notice it as one that a mannequin was wearing in the shop window. It is an off white colour with black flowers printed all over it. It’s the only skirt I’ve seen all day that I like... I’m so fussy.

I decide to go back to the mannequin to see what it’s paired with the skirt. It’s wearing a plain black top, a blue blazer with black tights and surprisingly, I think it looks really nice.

After buying the whole outfit except the blazer, I start walking out of the mall when I pass Starbucks. So tempting... I debate whether to go in or go home and get on with all the homework I’ve had saved for weeks. I’m so behind on it but I need my Starbucks.

I walk in and get a large hot chocolate to go. I play around with a straw I picked up until my order finally comes. I walk out of the shop with my bags and hot chocolate and begin walking home.

I get home and practically run upstairs... One, the heater’s next to my room and I need to warm up, and two, I need to try this outfit on ASAP.

I smile as I open the box with my shoes in. I undress and change into my new outfit, finishing the look with my heels. I take my hair out of the pony tail I put it in before going to town. I must say, I look really good. The outfit goes perfectly with my shoes and I don’t look overdressed. I start planning how to have my hair and start trying loads of hairstyles out until I realise I have to do all my homework.

“Shit” I mumble and change into my pyjamas. I tie my hair back up and try focusing on this god damn homework but all I think about is Ben’s party. I’ve never been this excited for a party in my life and I’m actually confusing myself...

I force the party to the back of my head and put all my attention into my homework, when I hear a knock at my window.

“Fuck sake” I moan and walk over to open it. “Jack you can’t come in”

“Why not” he pouts and looks up at me.

“I have so much homework. You should have warned me that you were coming”

“Maybe if you answered your calls and texts once in a while” he trails off.

“I’ve been busy”

“Just let me in. I won’t distract you I promise” he smiles. “Come on, I’m bored”

“Fine, but don’t distract me”

“Pinky promise” he smirks and holds out his pinky. I roll my eyes and stand aside to let him jump in.

“You could’ve just knocked on the door” I laugh.

“Oh yeah...”

“Right, do whatever you want. Mum and Dad aren’t back so help yourself to food or whatever. Just don’t distract me” I say, sternly.

“Wahey” he cheers and runs downstairs.

I go though my whole Science and English folders to help me do my homework. I read over my work as a bit of revision that needed to be done, and finish with answering questions for every subject that set me homework... Basically, every subject that I have.

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