Chapter 14

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I wake up and do my usual morning routine. I haven’t heard from Conor since yesterday morning so I know things will be bad in school. I meet Lois, Jack and Conor at the shop and refuse to even make eye contact with him. I think I’m right about this situation. He’s in the wrong.


It’s Monday.

I have science on Monday... Brilliant.

I ignore Conor all day until we get to science. My heart’s beating 100,000mph. I keep thinking of the kiss we had on Saturday before Jack was in trouble. It was perfect but now he’s acting like nothing happened. I hate how whenever we kiss, we argue straight after it. Why is he giving me mixed signals?

I sit down in my usual science place and get out all my stuff. Mr. Nicholas walks in shortly after and so does Conor. He slumps his body on the seat next to me so I roll my eyes and get on with the lesson. The teacher talks the whole way through the lesson and most of the time, I have my head on the desk, not listening to a word he’s saying until I hear “a paired project”. My head shoots up off the table to listen to what he’s saying.

“You are going to be doing a project about light. You have to make something that lights up by using a circuit. Be as creative as possible and you will also have to do some theory on it. Put in one hundred percent effort into it because the mark you will receive will help with your final exams” he explains. “You will be paired up with the person sat next to you so it won’t be too hard”

WHAT!? Conor and I have to ‘pair up’. I widen my eyes at his words and I know Conor’s surprised by his words too.

“You have a week to do it so it needs to be in for next Monday” he says in a slow voice like he’s talking to 5 year olds. Conor turns towards me.

“I guess we’re working together then” he mumbles.

“No shit” I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and says something under his breath that I can’t work out.

“You can spend the remainder of the lesson discussing your plans with your partner and nothing else” Mr. Nicholas says sternly but half of the class are already talking to their partners already, ignoring him.

“I don’t get why you’re being like this” Conor sighs.

“Because you screamed at me for doing absolutely nothing wrong, just like you always do, then you expect everything to be ok with us. It’s not” I snap. “One minute you’re nice to me, then the next minute you hate me. I don’t understand you Conor and I can’t be bothered trying anymore”

“I’m the one trying with you Lucy. I’ve tried so hard to get along with you because I know how much Jack means to you. I told you to stay at home because I knew you’d get even more drunk and make things so much fucking harder for me. I don’t hate you at all, you just fucking annoy me sometimes”

“Stop blaming last night on me! I didn’t know what would happen, Jack offered me a drink and I took it. If anything, all this is your fault. How many did you give me at yours? Like, five? Just so I was drunk enough to ‘do stuff’ with you” I say louder than I should have.

“You think I need to give you alcohol to get you to do stuff with me?” he laughs.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Forget it” he mumbles.

“Fuck you” I say and surprisingly, he doesn’t say anything to defend himself.

I get home and stay on my computer. My parents are working all day as usual so I have no company what so ever, just like always. I go downstairs and decide to start making my tea.

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