I. t r o u v a i l l e

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"Hold on, Nate." Julian had cut me off again. He cradled his head in his palms with his elbows perched upon his desk. "You know you're scheduled to fly to Indonesia in two weeks. Why don't you take a break? We've only been here for a day-get some rest." Sounding like my grandfather, as usual.

"This is rest, Julian." I tried. "How's the baby girl coming along?"

"Don't try to change the subject, kid. It's not rest if you're getting right back on another plane." He insisted. He attempted to rub the weeks worth of exhaustion and today's disapproval from his face. At times like these I wondered exactly why he bothered to have children. He traveled along with me on almost every venture and the weeks we spent in New York were his only opportunities to hold his little ones.

"We've been at this for too damn long, Nate, where?"

I didn't miss a beat as he pulled me from my thoughts, "Georgia."

"Geor-" The disgust flooded his face quicker than he could hold it back. His face was in his hands again. "Why in the hell do you want to go to Georgia, Nathanael?"

I sat unmoving in my chair and the indifferent expression on my face was unchanged. I shrugged, "Never been."

"So what, you wanna see the Coca-Cola factory, some peaches and shit-?"

"I don't want to see anything."

Julian's lips pursed. "So you want me to send you in the middle of nowhere, huh?"

I lifted an amused eyebrow. "It shouldn't have taken that long for you to finally listen to me, Julian."

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