entry 11

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12 january, 2017
over peru

Seeing the wonder on Ruth's face was enough to make my heart swell tremendously. She stared out the window of our car with wide eyes and a precious smile to match.

"Have you ever been out of the states, angel?" I laid my hand over her own.

She finally averted her eyes from the window and shrugged. "I know my family used to visit Pedernales when I was little. It's been a very long time."

"Pedernales," I hummed, grinning. "You're Dominican?"

"My mama claimed to be Haitian, but the city is right near the border. I'm from Georgia as far as I'm concerned." She giggled.

Her laugh was infectious and reached me as well. Sobering up, I turned to her. "Ruth,"

"Hmm?" She responded, reluctantly turning from the window. 

I really hated to rain on the parade, but, "Where are your parents?"

She eyes cast downward then and a look of sadness flooded her eyes. "They died-uhm," She cleared her throat. Then she looked up at me again and nodded slowly. "They died a couple years ago."

I squeezed her hand. "Ruth-"

"When do we land?" 

12 january, 2017
the atacama dessert, chile

She remained silent until we did land and I couldn't help but feel a little upset with myself. 

"Nathanael," Ruth called as we set up camp. 

I rushed over to where she was unpacking. "Yes, angel?"

She made her way to where I stood and had wrapped her arms around my middle in an embrace. Then it seemed as though all the tension left my body as I all but melted into her warmth. My arms went around her shoulders before I nuzzled in her thick curls. "Ruth," I breathed. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have nothin' to be sorry about, darlin'." She said. "I was actin' like a child." She moved away and shrugged. "Alot of times I try not to think about 'em so much, but-" Her eyelids fluttered shut for a moment and at the slight tremble of her bottom lip, I pulled her back into my arms.

"I really miss them, but crying won't do nothin'." She forced a chuckle. 

"I understand though, Ruth. Sometimes that's our only way to release our emotions-through our tears. Sure it won't fix anything, but coping can be really hard." I was rambling then. I stepped back and met her eyes. "You're okay though, baby?"

She smiled. "I'm fine. Thank you-for everything."

I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Thank you."

13 january, 2017
the atacama desert, chile 

"Mercy," I heaved. 

We trudged, slowly, but surely up one of the many sand dunes that surrounded our camp. It just so happened to be the tallest one I had seen. 

"Nathanael, I didn't think-" I panted out. "that this was so steep."

He slowed down a little and began to tread beside me. "My little angel is a little out of shape, hmm?"

I stopped and gave the most incredulous look I could muster up. "Boy with all the sweat you have drippin', you can't talk about me!" I took pride in my figure, but it definitely didn't come from working out-possibly the fact that I had never been able to eat much fast food until I went to New York.

"Sweat is healthy!" He exclaimed, beaming brightly. He reached out and pulled me closer. The next thing I know he had us cheek to cheek, rubbing all of his sweat onto me. "You want some-?"

"No, no, no!" I shrieked, my mouthed puckered as if it had a taste of the sourest of fruits. I managed to get away and wipe his sweat away with a towel I had brought along with me. "You are not funny." I almost growled under my breath. 

Nathanael was just about keeled over from his boisterous laughter. 

"Ha-ha." I mocked. I stepped over and snatched his fishing style hat that had fell to the dirt and shook it out before placing it on my own head and resuming my trek up the dune. He wanted to be funny, and I would sure laugh when he starts whining about a sunburn on the back of his neck.

"Ruth!" He dragged the 'u', per usual when he wanted something or was up to no good.

"What," Was my response, dragging the 'a'...per usual when he wanted something or was up to no good.

"Can I have my hat back, baby?" I turned back to look at him and guffawed. 

He held his hands in front of him as if I was about to just give it to him. "You thought, baby." I faced the top of the dune and began to walk again.

"We can stop and take the picture here," He baited. I halted immediately. "You don't have to go up any further."

"No, I need the exercise. I'm a little out of shape, don't you think?" I said this, but hadn't taken not another step up the sand. 

"I think whoever suggested such an absurd idea is a jackass. I think you are lovely and have quite the perfect shape." I spun around once more, my jaw slack and my eyes a bit wider. Nathanael strode over the sand to stand in front of me. 

I stepped forward then poked him playfully in his stomach. "Don't lie to me, Nathanael Abrams."

He caught a hold of my hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Have you seen yourself, Ruth Graham?" He dropped my hand then raised his own hands and his eyes to the sky. "How goddamn precious can this woman be?" 

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