entry 06

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3 november 2016
glendale, georgia

A door slammed especially hard outside.

"Nathanael Abrams!" I hurried to the window to see a man approaching the porch to Nathanael's home. He knocked hard on the door before it swung open and the man shoved his way inside.

I frowned. Were they related? Perhaps that was his father.

I finished up breakfast, slipped out of my chemise, and into one of my favorite maxi dresses. I came back into the kitchen, grabbed the two plates and made my way across the street as I had done for the past two weeks.

The door was already creaked open, but I knocked softly anyway. In a moment I came face to face with another man. The one that just arrived with greying, dark brown hair and dark eyes and circles underneath. They were definitely not related.

"And who are you?" He said with a jut of his chin.

"Let her in, Julian." I heard Nathanael in the silence of the house. He appeared behind Julian before widening the opening of the door and nudging the man out of his way. "Come in, Ruth." I offered a small smile and followed him into the house.

My stomach clenched at what I saw. Clothes were strewn out among suitcases and Julian emptied the fridge and pantry of any perishable foods. Setting the plates down atop the kitchen island, I rested my hands on my hips as I tried to figure out what was going on. Was he about to renovate again?

Nathanael disappeared from sight and Julian and I were left in the kitchen. "He said your name was Ruth?" The man spoke up again. He had the same Northern accent as Nathanael, but had a much louder tone.

"Yes," I nodded slowly. "Do you mind tellin' me exactly what is goin' on?" I felt stupid for asking.

He seemed to study me. "You mean ol' Nate didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"What was I supposed to tell her, Julian?" Nathanael stood in the doorway of the kitchen with another camera in hand. He set it down on the island and pulled a plate of food towards himself.

I looked between the two men. They exchanged a myriad of different expressions, communicating in an unspoken language that I could in no way decipher.

"I'll be outside." Julian gathered a couple trash bags and stomped away.

I turned to Nathanael as he devoured my biscuits, gravy and pan sausage. "Nate?" I almost spat. I wasn't angry. But there was something that I was missing. His blue eyes snapped up to meet my brown ones. I could read the frustration and indecisiveness in them now. He swallowed deeply and I finally looked away as I frowned In realization.

He was leaving.

This always happened. Right when I am in reach of something great, it's snatched away. I was definitely having a pity party right now as my daddy would often call it. Nathanael brought something to my life that I had yet to experience before and now he was going away.

"I could've helped you pack, darlin'." I said weakly. "Or at least baked you another pie."

"Ruth, angel I wish I could stay here. I do, but it's all some crazy timing and I just..." His eyes were sad as he attempted to gather what to say next. I didn't give him a chance.

I glared at the packed suitcases. "I wish you'da told me from the beginnin' an' spared me a lot a trouble,"

He took hold of my hands when I stepped away. Nathanael pulled me closer to him and his frown deepened. "What trouble, Ruth?"

"If I'da known you were just gonna leave, I'd have left that door closed."

12 november 2016
glendale, georgia

I sat at the piano in the living room, my fingers slipping over the keys and inevitably on wrong notes. Since he had gone, I found it hard to focus on simple tasks.

I picked fruit everyday since to keep my mind off of his absence. The orchard is great in size, but two days ago, I began to pick fruit that was not even ready whereas under normal circumstances, I would make sure to take my time. I cut my finger twice while cooking over the past few days and yesterday, I burned my casserole.

There was no particular reason as to why I let him invade my thoughts. In this small town, I found Nathanael to be intriguing. In our short time, we were engrossed in each other. I let him in to walk the gallery and see my father's paintings along with my own and he taught me the basics of taking those awe-inspiring photographs.

I found the shots that he had taken of me atop my piano along with loads of others that displayed this town.

Silly enough, I still wasn't sure what he did. Was photography a hobby or his career? Why would he be in Glendale and leave so abruptly? A young man like him was sure to have someone waiting for him back in New York. Which was another reason why I willed myself to ignore those tell-tale signs when I was around him.

The fluttering of my heart, excessive blushing and goosebumps-all of it. He was simply too perfect.

I let the top down on the keys and rested my head on my arms.

I've never wished to leave this place so badly until now.

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