entry 20

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1 April, 2018
Manhattan, New York

A miserable groan filled the room and prompted my eyes to fly open.

"Ruth?" I squinted through the darkness and reached out for my wife. She'd groaned again. "Angel, are you okay?"

Her hand found my own and gripped it tightly. "Ooohh," She whined softly. "Baby." She said. "Hospital."

I was instantly stumbling out of bed and moving towards the closet. There we kept the bag full of things we'd packed away for this very day. Or shall I say night?

I slipped into a shirt and forced my feet into some shoes before grabbing some sandals and a pair of shorts for Ruth.

She sat at the edge of the bed, her eyes tightly shut and her hands sprawled over her round belly as I helped her into her shorts. Though her hair was still in a scarf and her sleeping shirt proved worn and ragged, I couldn't help but smile at the woman before me.

"C'mon," I gave her my hands to steady her while she stood and soon we were in the car and headed to the hospital.

"Oh my Lord!" Ruth exclaimed.

I did my best to remain focused on the road, but continued to glance over at her distressed state. "Ruth, it's going to be okay, Angel. Calm down-we're close."

"Me too," She breathed. At my questioning expression she squeaked, "my water."

My eyes widened to saucers. Shit!

"Sir I'm going to need you to stay here, were going to prepare her-!"

"She's my wife! I can't be with her?" I asked, nearly upset. Upon entering the hospital the nurse instantly found Ruth's side and called for a wheelchair. She sat her down then began to wheel her further into the building.

"We will call you when she's ready." She informed.

"But I thought-"

She cut me off one last time. "If she endures any more stress, it will affect the baby. Sit down."

Finally, I forced my hand through my hair and found a chair to plop down into. Fuck. There was no telling how long this would take.

"First kid?" A male voice interrupted my thoughts. I peeked to my left to see him sitting, relaxed in a chair with a magazine across his legs.

I nodded. "A baby girl."

His brows furrowed as his mouth shaped into an 'O'. "Been there, wey. It only gets worse."

At my appalled expression, he cracked a smile and shook his head. "I'm joking."

"Oh," My shoulders fell immediately. "Is your wife...is she here too?"

He looked back up at me, almost as though he didn't expect any more conversation then shrugged. "My girlfriend, yeah."

I nodded.

"Been with her for almost seven years though. This will make three children." He smiled, seemingly to himself. He leaned over and extended a hand to me, "My name's Eduardo and we're gonna be here for a little while."

Taking his hand, I shook it respectfully. "Nathanael."

Eduardo and I sat in that waiting room for what seemed like hours. He told the craziest and most entertaining narratives about his journey from South Texas which I exchanged for my own about my job.

He was a kind and genuine man who loved his family and loved God. He gave advice wrapped in humor and wisdom wrapped in the wittiest of puns.

I'd come to enjoy his company so much I frowned when he was called to tend to his wife during her labor. "Great knowing you, Eduardo." I shook his hand once more. "God bless you and your family." I said genuinely.

"You too, amigo. Maybe I'll see you again someday." He smiled.

I shrugged, "Maybe,"

After he left I'd accidentally fallen asleep for God knows how long. I then called close friends and family in order to keep myself awake. Julian, and some of Ruth's close friends would be on their way along with my mother who talked my ear off about all that I needed to do when I went into the room. How I had to breathe with her and comfort her. How I had to hold the baby and try not to pass out.

All of this was right on time because soon the nurse was handing me the blue gown, gloves and a mask.

Ruth's cries were audible from outside of the room and they admittedly had me a little shaken. God, she was in so much pain. The nurse instructed me to just enter when I was ready, but I  followed right behind her.

I was instantly by Ruth's side and I'd instinctively taken her hand.

"Mrs. Abrams, I need you to calm down, please." The doctor instructed. She looked at me, quietly asking for my help.

Although I was all but calm myself, I leaned over my wife and first pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Ruth, baby listen to me," I tried. When she continued to hiss and pant I planted a kiss on her lips. "Ruth," I called again. When she finally looked at me, I smiled. "Hey beautiful."

She scowled and shook her head. "Oh, not now Nathanael."

"The doctor says you have to calm down, baby." I informed her. "Can you do that for me?"

"Jesus," She gasped heavily, squeezing my hand. "I-I can try that,"

"Don't try, Angel. I need you to do it. It's for the baby."

I would be standing for another 3 hours through the labor process. I sang as many songs as I knew and prayed a countless amount of times. These were what helped Ruth the most.

In the end, the sound of seemingly distant wailing made my knees buckle. I reflexively grabbed a hold of the bed to steady myself. This went on for a while longer before the doctor eventually held the baby in her arms.

"Is that-is she okay?" I asked hesitantly.

"We'll see for sure in a minute." The nurse went away with the baby to clean her up.

"Ohhh my God!" Ruth moaned tiredly.

I smiled down at her then. Her curly, coily locks haphazardly strewn across the pillow and her face wet with perspiration, I knew Ruth was beyond exhausted. She was in labor, almost 16 hours.

"Can I please see my baby?" Ruth murmured. "Oh Nathanael, one is enough. One was too many-I ain't doin' this again."

Laughing, I reached down to wipe away the moisture across her face. "Whatever you want, Angel."

Ruth was the first to have the girl in her arms. She didn't cry like I'd expected. Instead only whimpers escaped her small mouth.

"She looks perfectly healthy, Mr. Abrams. Everything looks great."

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