Ch. 3 (PG-13): A Carriage Ride and Picnic in Nature's Idyll

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"N&S: John Thornton, Love Lessons",  Ch. 3 (PG-13):  A Carriage Ride and Picnic in Nature’s Idyll, October 28, 2013 Gratiana Lovelace

(An original fan fiction by Gratiana Lovelace;   All rights reserved;

Based on the Elizabeth Gaskell novel, North & South and its
2004 BBC adaptation; No copyright infringement intended)


[I will illustrate my story using my dream cast from the 2004 BBC production of “North & South”: 

Richard Armitage for John Thornton,  Daniela Denby-Ashe for Margaret Hale, Lesley Manville for Mrs. Maria Hale,  Tim Piggot-Smith for Mr. Richard Hale, Sinead Cusack for Mrs. Hannah Thornton, Jo Joyner for Fanny Thornton, and Brendan Coyle for Nicholas Higgins, etc]   [(1) story logo image] 

Author’s Mature Content Note:  “N&S: John Thornton, Love Lessons” is a story with mature themes of love and relationships set within a period drama of the 1850’s and beyond.  As such there will be heartfelt moments of love and sensuality--as well as other dramatic emotions--and I will rate those chapters accordingly.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read that chapter.  This is my disclaimer.

Author’s Recap of the Previous Chapter:  John had been so lost in thought with his classics lesson with Mr. Hale, that he had forgotten about his invitation to Margaret for a carriage ride after church the next day.  This greatly miffed Margaret’s pride--let alone especially since the proprieties of John needing to ask her parents’ permission and arrange for a chaperon.  But just before he left the Hale home, John realized his gaffe and tried to made amends by adding a picnic lunch to their outing.  After some poutiness on Magaret’s part, she agreed--she felt something inside her urging her to accept, though she does not understand her feelings.  However, the chaperone question is still yet to be decided. 


"N&S: John Thornton, Love Lessons", Ch. 3 (PG-13):  A Carriage Ride and Picnic in Nature’s Idyll

Over dinner Saturday evening, John Thornton’s small smile [(2) right] betrays his growing contentment with the progress of his acquaintanceship with Margaret Hale.  So he explains his brightened demeanor to his questioning mother and sister--particularly in the hope of securing his sister Fanny to be his chaperone with Margaret on Sunday’s planned carriage ride after church.

Mrs. Thornton:  “You were long at the Hale’s today, John.  I would imagine that it is rather tedious discussing philosophy with an old parson.’’  Mrs. Thornton gives a knowing look to her daughter Fanny who raises her upper lip in an unflattering and unladylike sneer.

John:  Setting down his fork and knife with a clatter, John looks at his mother and sister Fanny with annoyance.  “Actually, I enjoy my discussions with Mr. Hale very much, and find them intellectually stimulating.”  Belatedly realizing that he sounds like he is censuring his mother and unfavorably comparing the interactions he has at home to Mr. Hale, he softens.  “Mother, when I had to interrupt my studies years ago to deal with family … exigencies, you know that I had always hoped to return to them.  Now with Mr. Hale giving me private tutorials, I can.”  John smiles wanly. Mrs. Thornton acknowledges the verity of his statement with a small nod.

Fanny:  “John, I don’t understand why you do not simply read on your own.  You have enough books, surely.”  She admonishes him  disdainfully [(3) right]. For her brother John’s books fill up many bookshelves that she feels could be more usefully used for displaying pretty decorative items.

"N&S:  John Thornton, Love Lessons", by Gratiana Lovelace (2013-2014) (Done)Where stories live. Discover now