Ch. 87 (PG-13, D): Fathers and Sons

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"N&S: John Thornton, Love Lessons", Ch. 87 (PG-13, D):  Fathers and Sons,   October 06, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace 

(An original fan fiction copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace;   All rights reserved; Based on the Elizabeth Gaskell novel, North & South and its  2004 BBC adaptation; No copyright infringement intended)

[I will illustrate my story using my dream cast from the 2004 BBC production of "North & South" and other actors for additional characters:   Richard Armitage for John Thornton, Daniela Denby-Ashe for Margaret Hale, Lesley Manville for Mrs. Maria Hale,  Tim Pigott-Smith for Mr. Richard Hale, Sinead Cusack for Mrs. Hannah Thornton Ogilvy, Jo Joyner for Fiona/Fanny Thornton Ogilvy, Brendan Coyle for Nicholas Higgins, Graham McTavish as Dr. Cameron Ogilvy, Holliday Grainger for Angharad Ogilvy MacIntosh, Simon Woods for Baird Ogilvy, Emma Ashton as Mrs. Dillard, John Light as Henry Lennox, Tim Faraday as Watson, Gillian Anderson at Carlotta Quint Watson, Jeremy Northam as Dr. Miles Houghton, Gerard Butler as Lord Jamie Ogilvy, Juliette Lewis as Lady Thistle Ogilvy, Helena Bonham Carter as Brigid Gordon, and Steven Waddington as Major Reginald Monckton, etc.]  [(1) story logo, top right]

Author's Mature Content Note:  "N&S: John Thornton, Love Lessons" is a story with mature themes of love and relationships set within a period drama of the 1850's.  As such there will be heartfelt moments of love and sensuality (S)--as well as other dramatic emotions (D), including some violence (V)--and I will rate those chapters accordingly.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read that chapter.  This is my disclaimer.

Author's Recap from the previous chapter:  The lead up Christmas 1860 activities for the extended Thornton-Ogilvy-MacIntosh-Ogilvy family was quite boisterous and not a little surprising.  On Chrsitmas Eve, young teen love possibly felt by fourteen year old Lady Blythe Ogilvy and a crush felt by nine year old Audrey Grace Thornton--both for fourteen year old Master Andrew MacIntosh--and the nascent but restrained affection of eighteen year old Viscount Hamish Ogilvy for his sister Lady Blythe's best friend Miss Lissa Dillard were revealed.  And John Thornton is completely flummoxed by his elder daughter Audrey Grace's infatuation with Andrew, whilst his six months pregnant wife Margaret only adds to his concerns--not the least of which is her nonchalance about Audrey Grace's crush.  But there is a bit of child bolstering to do since five year old Douglas Thornton is still somewhat subdued about being chastened by his Papa John for pulling on his Papa's ears and waking him up painfully a few days ago. John did not mean to huff and bleat--causing his son to feel badly about hurting his Papa.  At forty three years old, John's personality lacks the qualities of him having a more easy going nature.  He is a serious man doing serious business.  But with his children, John tries to be a kindly mentor and loving father influence--in the examples of Mr. Hale and Cameron Ogilvy.  So John has a bit of relationship tending to do with his son this Christmas Day.

"N&S: John Thornton, Love Lessons", Ch. 87 (PG-13, D):  Fathers and Sons

After the gleeful Christmas presents unwrapping pandemonium at Airlie Castle [(2) right]  on Christmas Morning 1860, the Thornton-Ogilvy-MacIntosh-Ogilvy-Ogilvy extended family fathers and sons decide to go snow sledding at the top of Melgund Hill.  While the mothers and daughters prefer to say warm and dry in Airlie Castle playing games, knitting or sewing, and trying on tiaras in the tower vault lead by Lady Fiona, of course.  

Melgund Hill was named for the river at its base that serves as one border for Airlie Estates [(3)]  near Angus, Scotland.  The fathers and sons comprise a somewhat smaller contingent of the family since the ladies tend to outnumber them.  So whenever the men and boys can slip away to engage in manly pursuits of hunting, fishing, and in today's case sledding [(4)], etc., much male bonding occurs. 

"N&S:  John Thornton, Love Lessons", by Gratiana Lovelace (2013-2014) (Done)Where stories live. Discover now