Ch. 33 (PG): Ankles and Feet, Heads and Hearts

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"North & South:  John Thornton, Love Lessons", Ch. 33 (PG):  Ankles and Feet, Heads and Hearts,   February 28, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace 

(An original fan fiction copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace;   All rights reserved; Based on the Elizabeth Gaskell novel, North & South and its  2004 BBC adaptation; No copyright infringement intended)

[I will illustrate my story using my dream cast from the 2004 BBC production of "North & South" and other actors for additional characters:   Richard Armitage for John Thornton, Daniela Denby-Ashe for Margaret Hale, Lesley Manville for Mrs. Maria Hale,  Tim Pigott-Smith for Mr. Richard Hale, Sinead Cusack for Mrs. Hannah Thornton, Jo Joyner for Fanny Thornton, Brendan Coyle for Nicholas Higgins, and Graham McTavish as Dr. Cameron Ogilvy, Holliday Grainger for Angharad Ogilvy MacIntosh, Simon Woods for Baird Ogilvy, and Emma Ashton as Mrs. Dillard, John Light as Henry Lennox, Tim Faraday as Watson, and Gillian Anderson at Carlotta Quint Watson, etc] [(1) story logo]  

Author's Mature Content Note:  "N&S: John Thornton, Love Lessons" is a story with mature themes of love and relationships set within a period drama of the 1850's and beyond.  As such there will be heartfelt moments of love and sensuality (S)--as well as other dramatic emotions, including some violence (V)--and I will rate those chapters accordingly.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read that chapter.  This is my disclaimer.

Author's Recap from the previous chapter:  Baird escapes almost having a kerfuffle at his father's and new stepmother's wedding ball with regard to an old flame he managed to keep away from his intended, Fiona/Fanny Thornton.  John and Margaret rejoice in her wanting to nap again with John due to her pregnancy sickness abating.  And Hannah and Cameron become lovers on the fourth night of their friendship marriage.

"N&S:  John Thornton, Love Lessons", Ch. 33 (PG):  Ankles and Feet, Heads and Hearts

Hannah and Cameron have still not returned to Milton from their wedding trip touring Scotland three weeks later.  But the younger couples in their extended Thornton-Ogilvy family have romances and lives of their own to tend to.  Baird Ogilvy has taken to visiting Milton nearly every weekend since formally beginning his courting of Fanny Thornton two months ago--before his father married her mother last month.  The travel is wearying to him, but well worth the sacrifice to see his love, Fiona.  And Fanny quite likes the freedom to do as she pleases during the week and then for her to have a suitor to do things with from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon.    Fanny is still a bit of a dilettante, but becoming less so as her and Baird's relationship progresses.

Having Baird as a suitor also gives Fanny an excuse to visit the Shaw-Lennox's in London again.   With her mother gone to Scotland on her wedding trip, John married and her sister-in-law Margaret being rather a no nonsense person and her being four months pregnant, Fanny does not get her way as often as she would like--nor is she pampered as much, because Margaret receives all of Fanny's brother John's pampering.  And John has put Fanny on notice and on a budget.   But Fanny and her wishes for finery will not be dissuaded.

It is just such a familial Saturday March 22nd morning around 11 o'clock, that John [(2) right]   finds himself sitting in his study going over some business plans when a small furry object catches his eye as it saunters past his door on its way to the parlor.  John is uncertain if he saw, what it thinks he saw.  And if he saw it, how did it get into Thornton Manor? So John jumps up to follow the furball as it slips into the parlor.

John strides into his parlor at Thornton Manor to find three ladies sitting on the sette admiring their ankles while a giggling eleven month old baby Clementina Watson sits on a blanket on the  carpet in front of them clutching her kitty [(3)right]   as the ladies wave their unshod but still hosieryed feet and ankles at her and she and the kitty try to playfully catch their feet.

"N&S:  John Thornton, Love Lessons", by Gratiana Lovelace (2013-2014) (Done)Where stories live. Discover now