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Andy had been keeping tabs on the Cullen territory since Edward called to say the Volturi were hunting her. She had planted spies in Washington and around the area. Her connections ran deeper than many thought and she remained on good terms with those that were loyal to her coven back in the day. 

Carlisle was an enigma to her. She couldn't figure out why he would deny his nature and feed from animals. He had a shot at trying to change her diet and she just laughed and replied, "I've been a vampire for over half a millennium, I'm not going to change Carlisle I prefer to follow the natural order of things."

He respected her decision but not without trying every time they met. The truth was, animal blood makes you weak. She could feel it the first time she slaughtered a carnivore out of seer desperation to feed two hundred years before she crossed paths with the veggie-vamp. The blood doesn't fill you up like human blood, it doesn't satisfy the burning. Their bodies were designed to process human blood for a reason, human blood is what they lost and human blood is what they constantly need to replace. It's the venom that burns, tearing through the veins searching for blood. Animal blood can sustain them, but it's like living off tasteless nuts while staring at a block of chocolate. Sheer torture. 

Though she wasn't overly fond of his diet, Andromeda did enjoy the Doctor's company. She respected his strength to do what he does. His compassion knows no bounds, which is why she was drawn to him in the first place. 

Flashback 1848 Paris, France:

Carlisle felt like he was being watched. 

He'd just spent the last two decades with the Volturi and was now travelling through France on his way to England. He knew from his time under his father's teaching that vampires tend to seek out conflict as easy feeding grounds. Political tensions were high in the city, they had been since 1830 and he'd picked up whispers of a revolution and how the monarchy was about to fall. That wasn't his concern though. He'd been patching up the odd human as he passed through, not wanting to get involved in the fight. He objected to any and all fighting and will always remain a pacifist at heart. 

He bound the broken leg of a man insisting on no charge before leaving his head down as he walked through the twilight lit streets.

"Why?" He heard a musical female voice question from the darkness of an alley and spun on his heel looking for the culprit.

"Because it is the right thing to do." He answered honestly looking for her. 

"They are food." Came her reply.

"They're still people, still human, like we once were."

"We've left them behind," came her reply, "why pretend to be something you're not?"

"A life is still just that, it should be given every chance to flourish." Carlisle felt like he was talking to air, even with his vampire senses she seemed to be incredibly skilled at remaining hidden. "Do you not remember what it felt to be human?"

"I do not, but I respect them nonetheless. They do give their lives to sustain mine." Came her reply like a true hunter and Carlisle spotted her red eyes reflecting the streetlamp. He took a tentative step forward trying to see more of the mysterious vampire. 

"May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" He asked politely not wanting to scare her off, though between them he was the only one actually feeling any semblance of fear.

"I'm Andromeda." She said and he could swear he could hear the smirk in her voice as she spoke. 

"I'm Carlisle Cullen."

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