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"If you want to survive I suggest to stay silent." Andromeda hissed to the newborn as she dragged her through an abandoned drug house. The newborn struggled in her grip a familiar scent filling her lungs.

Andy pushed the girl in front of her though the doors to the room where she had left the other one. The newborn had pulled himself back together and was just lying on the bed staring at the ceiling the blood bag next to him was untouched. The oldest vampire looked at him in slight confusion. For a newborn to exercise such control was unheard of. Whatever was on his mind was enough to distract from the scent of blood, meaning one thing. He was mated.

The more she looked at him the more she compared him to her brother looking for differences. Where Tydeus had the same thick, curly black hair, their lips were a different shape. The newborns wide eyes were larger than her brother's, but they shared the same faint olive toned vampire skin. From this angle she could tell he was lean but muscular and around 6 feet tall.

The strange teleporting vampire would threaten her, but continued to save her life. Bree couldn't understand her. Her actions did not reflect the words that came out of her mouth, and so she questioned her more only to get scolded.

All thoughts left her mind as she smelled a sweet spicy scent inside an abandoned house. She struggled in the grip of the vampire wanting desperately to reach the source of the scent. The chanting came back in her mind, Diego, Diego, Diego.

Her jaw dropped as she entered a rotting room. Floorboards had been torn up, and the roof had a few holes. The windows were shattered and the wind blew through carrying the stench of damp wood. But what caught her attention was the figure on the stained bed.

His clothes were torn and she could clearly see where they had torn him apart. She couldn't help the growl at the thought of someone hurting him. His pitch eyes narrowed as he shot into an upright position and glared at her, only to have the glare fall so shock and disbelief covered his features. "Bree." They had been separated only a couple of days but his voice sill sent shivers down her spine.

"Diego." She said pulling out of Andy's grip as she tackled him in a comforting embrace.

Andy allowed a small smile to cross her lips at the sight of the reunited mates, for a second, then quickly covered it with a stoic mask. She didn't want to get attached, not if the chances of their survival was in the lowest possible percentile. She made her way to the window as the pair spoke in hushed whispers on the bed.

Her ruby eyes scanned the area with trepidation. He wasn't far behind them, and she knew it. She lifted her head and took a deep breath making a disgusted face as the smell of the house and street, but it was the hints of a minty scent that had her looking around furiously.

She could pick up the scents of vampires, the same sweet and inviting scent that they all have, one of which she was more inclined to follow, the other not unfamiliar, but definitely a danger.

"We don't have much time, we need to leave." She spoke not turning her attention from the street below.

"Who are you?" It was the male that spoke. He had an American accent, which was to be expected given he lived here. It was just another difference between him and her brother.

"Name's Andromeda, call me Andy." She told him, "and you two are going to die if we don't get moving, now."

"What?" The female spoke in surprise.

"Even after I took you, you didn't think they would let you live did you?" Andy raised a brow at the pair that were clinging to each other.

"Can you take us away, somewhere safe?"

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]Where stories live. Discover now