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The silence was killing her, or would have if she wasn't already dead. The old fool was taking too long, and she was growing agitated having to wait on him. She was all about speed so this entire situation was annoying the hell out of her.

"Kill him." Aro said simply moving back the man didn't beg for his life, nor his death, instead he just smirked at them smugly. Caius though wasn't too pleased at the man's reaction to his impending doom and turned to Jane. His tortured screams were nothing to the Volturi, or Andromeda, but the witnesses gathered winced at the sound.

"We are leaving." Aro stated parting the masses of black, "do keep in touch Carlisle."

"You are running?" Andy frowned.

"I suggest you do the same. We're not safe in the open and Volterra is a fortress." Aro glanced to his guard and then back to the woman dressed in blue. "You're welcome to stay with us."

"I'll manage." She replied still confused. "What exactly is coming for us?"

Aro resisted a shudder at his own memories, he figured out what the creature was, even if Pius didn't. All he knew for sure was it would be a threat to all supernatural creatures to roam the earth. Torture could bring out many things such as lost memories, but it could also create monsters. Aro's eyes flickered to the child clinging to its mother then back to the teleporter. "They've been experimenting." He informed carefully and looked to the vegetarian coven leader, "And we shall leave now, in peace."

The masses of black and red swarmed away from the Cullen's and their witnesses who stared ahead in confusion. "Edward what did he see?" Andy asked the mind reader who was watching the black cloaks vanish into the trees.

"I'm not sure," he replied his brows furrowed, "his mind, he was thinking too fast for me to get anything clear. All I know is he wants to get back to the safety of Volterra as quickly as possible."

"Andy, is my family in danger?" Carlisle asked.

"No." She shook her head, "no, they'll follow me."

"Where will you go?" Amun asked.

"Home." She said simply, turning to her coven. She opened her mouth to speak, to tell them to stay here where it was safe but Bree cut her off.

"We're coming with you." She said simply and started dragging Diego with her to the tree line.

"How long do you think it'll take before she realises she's going the wrong direction?" Andy mused out loud as Fred stood next to her chuckling under his breath.

Andy teleported her coven across the continent only stopping so they could feed. They made it to Athens with little hassle and kept to the shadows as the sun peaked high in the sky. "Come," she informed her newborns leading them through the streets to a hotel that was run by some old friends. She entered and lowered her hood looking for the British vampires.

"Daniel, Annalise," she called out to them as she glanced around the shaded waiting room.

"That's not Andromeda I hear calling, is it?" A melodic female voice sang as a stunning brunette with gentle waves to her waist and pasty olive skin entered the room her eyes alight with amusement and joy. She hugged her gently and moved to assess the newborns. "They're rather young, and such strange diets." She commented referring to the orange tinge in Diego's eyes and Bree's amber ones.

"Annalise, this is Bree, Diego and Fred."

"He said you were coming." A deep male voice caught their attention as the broad man stood next to his mate.

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]Where stories live. Discover now