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She couldn't do it. She couldn't kill him, he looked too much like her brother...

With a growl she closed her lighter and stepped away from the newborn. Andy arranged his pieces on the bed so they would join back together and stepped away. It would be days before he'll be whole again so she placed a blood bag beside him and left.

Demetri caught her scent as he retraced his steps back to his coven mates and froze. The summer sweet tang of home lingered in the air appealing to the other kind of hunger in him. Venom pooled in his mouth as he inhaled the scent like he was starving.

She literally just passed this spot.

Making a split second decision he turned and followed his nose. She was walking ahead of him a bag on her back as she slowly made her way through town. He noted she didn't pick up his scent as he followed her steps. Something was distracting his prey, providing an advantage for him, but he couldn't help but wonder what was on the beautiful creature's mind.

Demetri was loosing his own mind as her scent sang to him and drove his inner beast mad. He needed it, he needed her. He always did, but this time it was different, she was catch-able. His body coiled like a spring as he lurched forward catching the vampiress unaware his hands pinning hers to her side as he forced her into a dark alley way. He couldn't help his smile at the uncharacteristic yelp that left her lips as she struggled in his grasp. He growled deeply asserting his dominance letting his inner beast out and to his surprise she tilted her head exposing her neck in submission. He dropped his head into the juncture of her neck breathing her scent as his hands loosened their grip.

Andy silently scolded herself for allowing the newborn to distract her thoughts that she forgot she was being hunted. The creature holding her, wasn't Demetri, she recognized that almost immediately and submitted. She knew his inner beast wouldn't care for her games. Every time she tried to pull away he'd growl deeper.

Once she felt his grip loosen on her wrists she raised them his hands tightening around her waist in response. She needed to calm his beast, so she placed one arm around his shoulders, as the other stroked the back of his hair.

A low purr formed in his chest as they just held each other.

After a few moments he finally calmed and she allowed herself to smirk as he pulled away ashamed of his actions. "Sorry," he said softly still refusing to let her go.

"You lost control, happens to the best of us." She replied honestly no teasing in her tone.

"The last time I let him out I slaughtered a village." He gained a far off look before returning to the present. "You're distracted." He stated his eyes roving her form. "You didn't even scent me."

"It's a long and tedious story I'd rather not get into." She said pulling away from the male vampire shivering at the loss of contact. They both pocketed their hands and moved to opposite sides of the alley.

"You're here for the newborns." He says choosing not to comment on the last few minutes.

"So are you." She replied.

"You fight with the Cullen's."



"Because you won't." She pointed out. "I'm not a simpleton. I know your coven's play, we used to do the same thing."

"The leaders want to see how they fare in an attack of this nature." He informed her, "you shouldn't fight distracted."

"Newborns are easy compared to an experienced hunter. I've learnt my lesson, I won't be distracted. Besides," she teleported beside him and back with a smirk. "I didn't even use my own advantage."

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]Where stories live. Discover now