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Andromeda released a hefty sigh as she watched the activity inside the Cullen house. She was waiting for the dogs to leave, she hated mutts with a passion.

The vampiress smirked to herself as she watched a smile grace Edward's lips no doubt hearing her thoughts. "You can meet her now." Edward told the wolves, "she just arrived."

"You're going to invite her into a house full of humans." One of the wolves growled lowly and she rolled her eyes (she'll be doing a lot of that in the future).  Andy teleported into the house right behind the door they all entered from. 

"Oh please," she said opening the door entering behind the wolves causing the heckles to rise. "I've already eaten," she taunted knowing it would put them on edge.

"Andromeda." Carlisle spoke up trying to draw the growling wolves attention from her. 

"Hello my old friend," she said crossing the room making sure to pass tauntingly close to the wolves. She hugged Carlisle and turned to the other patrons in the room.  "I believe you called Eddie."

"Andy," the younger vampire smiled tightly intimidated and thankful for her presence. "I'm glad you could come. This is Bella."

"Ah," she says approaching the human with a grin on her lips. "This is the human I've heard so much about." She leans into Bella's personal space assessing her with a critical eye and purposely making her uncomfortable. 

The largest wolf growled but she didn't react taking a deep breath, inhaling the girls scent. "Well she seems to be a wonderful fit for young Eddie," Andy smirked pulling away from the girl, "even if you do have a slight problem with strays."

The wolf growled again shaking angrily and she turned her form to face him. "And your kind believe we have no control." She mocks moving toe to toe with the dog. "I'm a thousand years old, little boy,  you don't stand a chance, so why don't you and your little friends leave the territory before I castrate you."

"Jacob," Edward speaks up stepping between the pair trying to diffuse the tension, "we'll text you the location, go tell Sam what's going on." 

Jacob glances to the vampire then to Bella then back to Andromeda. "I'm not letting Bella stay here with her." 

"Then its a good thing you don't control my life Jacob." The human stepped between them surprising Andy. "Go, I'll be fine." She pushes him to the door and he looked reluctant to leave. "Go Jacob, tell Sam what's going on, Andy won't hurt me."

"Please Bella, please come, please don't stay here." He was begging and Andy rolled her eyes again at his kicked puppy expression. 

"Go Jacob." She says again and the wolf growls leaving the room with his pack mates his shoulders slumped in defeat. 

"Right," Andy said drawing the attention back to her, "who wants to tell me what the hell is going on?!"

Jasper threw Emmett across the clearing a stern look on his face as the larger vampire got back onto his feet.

"Again!" The brunette male growled and Andy's laughter filled the area.

The one pair of crimson eyes and six golden ones turn to the sound of an approaching truck, the wheels coming to a stop near them. Edward and his human jumped out but Andy didn't pay them any mind her senses already picking up the stench of wet dog.

The family stood together as the pack following behind the large black alpha their bodies tensed as they looked between the Cullen's and their mates.

Andromeda smirked as she locked eyes with the alpha teasing him and a low snarl left his throat. She continued her taunting until Carlisle placed a gently hand on her shoulder.

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