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Much to the amusement of the Cullen's Demetri released a string of curses in multiple languages before regaining his composure. He could feel her tenor though, and she hadn't gone far, most likely somewhere she could feed before continuing on her way.  He made to move but felt eyes on him that shot his mind back into the past.

He was on the streets of Athens making his way through crowds of people, his eyes spotting shiny things and his hands taking them with the lightest of touches. He remembered that day quite well. The familiar musky scents from the people and the sea, and whenever the wind blew he caught the smells from the groves near by.

Demetri was a boy of ten and five and had taught himself to survive. His mother had passed five years ago and his father had died in battle against the Bulgarians. He did what he needed to make do.

He moved through the crowds with ease his hands taking jewelry and coin as he walked. What he stole would pay for a boat. He would sell any seafood he harvested but he needed a boat. He wanted to fish in deeper waters, unfortunately what he did didn't pay too well.

He felt eyes on him as he made his way to his makeshift home so picked up the pace. 

Every few feet he'd look over his shoulder to check.

He was sure he was being watched.

He turned back and collided with a solid male form. The man was much taller than him and wore many layers for the hot day. 

Demetri managed a glimpse under the hood and saw ruby red eyes looking over his form curiously. "You're quite a talented thief." He already knew that though, he was quick, agile and could find anything anywhere. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Demetri made to pass the man only to get stopped as he reached a pasty tanned hand into the satchel at Demetri's side. 

"Oh so this is yours then?" He said lifting a clearly female coin pouch into view. Demetri tried to think of a quick answer, he'd never been caught before. "Don't worry, I'm not going to turn you in." He hands the pouch back. "I will however double it," he lifts his own coin pouch confusing Demetri. 

"What do you want?"

"I want you to find something for me."

Like all vampires his age, Demetri's human memories only returned few and far between. Some things triggered the memories, like the gaze he was getting from the bronze haired Cullen. It was the same calculating gaze that Amun when he was human. He could always feel his sire's eyes on him.

He really wanted to strangle her for doing something so incredibly stupid. Then kiss her because, well he just wanted to. 'Did she even realise the position she put him in?' He internally rolled his eyes, 'Of course she did, and she probably got kicks out of it as well.' He would have to deal with this somehow before it get's out of hand. His masters will only tolerate her actions to a certain point, and she was dancing on a very fine line. 

The Cullen's were each struggling with their thoughts though, their beloved Andy being the mate of a Volturi guard was not something they expected to discover at the end of the day. Her decisions change too frequently for even Alice to keep up with her, so Demetri had his work cut out for him.

Then came the questions of loyalty. They trusted her, she wouldn't turn her back on them for the Volturi, would she?

Andromeda had openly defied them with a smile on her face. Maybe it was because one of them was her mate but she was taking risks that could put all of them in jeopardy.

Hide and Seek (Demetri Volturi) [1]Where stories live. Discover now