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Well, today's surprises were not even close to over because the moment Austin pulled upfront at his house, he spotted his father's car next to another car that he couldn't recognize.

Nothing good could come out of his father being home so early.

His palms began to sweat because this spelt disaster! He felt his life force slipping out of him with every new surprise today. What was waiting for him behind that door?

He didn't even bother parking in the garage. He just parked his car by the curb and retrieved his backpack, making his way towards the house.

His hands were now clammy with how nervous he was. He wanted to get back in his car and drive into the nearest large mass of water but he still pushed forward.

He gently pushed the front door open and as he entered, he could hear deep voices coming from the living room. He could recognize the first voice and assumed the second belonged to the owner of the grey BMW that was outside.

Austin tiptoed, trying to get to the stairs unnoticed. His plan would have worked if it hadn't been for the potted fern that was at the foot of the stairs which he had kicked by mistake, making him yelp in pain as he gripped his toes.

"Son, you're home!" he heard his father say. He froze on the spot, still holding one leg up." There's someone here to see you." Mr.McNamara bellowed some more.

Austin let go of his leg and turned to see who his father was talking about. On the love seat was seated a short, plump man whose skin looked like it needed less sun, judging from how red and sun beaten it looked. Or maybe that was just his natural look.

On his nose sat a pair of thick, grotesque glasses that looked like he was wearing them to make a point, not that he actually needed them.

He stood up when Austin saw him. "Hello!" The shorter man greeted.

"Uh-huh ." Is all Austin said back, still inspecting the man from head to toe, trying to figure out what his deal was.

"Austin, meet Mr. Gary O'Toole."

He's a tool alright. Austin thought to himself, but voiced out, "How are you?" He didn't actually care how the man was.

"I'm fine, thank you." Austin could spot a fading Irish accent that had probably been dissolved from staying away from Ireland for long.

"Sit down boy!" His father commanded.

Austin went and sank into the furthest end of the couch away from his father.

"Austin, your father invited me here today because he thinks I can help you," shorty said, breaking the silence.

Austin turned to his father, a frown on his face, then back to Mr. O'Toole, "Help me with what?"

"He's going to cure this delusion that you have acquired." his father answered first.

"What are you talking about?!" Now he was really confused.

"Being gay is not exactly normal now, don't you think?" O'Toole said.

Austin turned his head slowly to the man, "Come again?" He had to be hearing this wrong.

"Son, this is a phase you're going through. It's a crisis that needs to be dealt with before it completely manifests itself in you."

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