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The first period of class was in chaos. No teachers had shown up for lessons which meant that kids were everywhere but their respective positions.

Some were gathered up in small groups, probably discussing the latest trending gossip going around school. The rest were mostly roaming the hallways or doing anything that did not involve books -with the obvious exception of the nerdiest nerds and geeks. Everything was simply tumultuous.

Austin had on his headphones to block out the loud noises while he played games on his phone.

Suddenly, his phone dinged, indicating the arrival of a new text message.

Morning, sexy. Where are you? :-*  -N

It was from Noah.

Where do you think? -A

Austin replied.

You're obviously on my mind, but my mind's eye is surprisingly not good enough to see you physically:-(  -N

That's a dumb thing to say ;-)  -A

Well, I figured, if I'm gonna be gay, I could at least go for the whole package  -N

Good for you. But..are you just messing me or do you actually not know where I am?! -A

Now I wish I could sniff you..you know, like a dog  -N

I'm starting to think it's safer if I don't tell you where I am :-D  -A

I miss you. -N

I miss you too. -A

Then tell me where you are so I can kiss you... Pretty please with a cherry on top?   -N

Fine, you big baby! Tell me where I can find you.  -A

At the bleachers. Love you! <3  -N

Love you too!  -A

Austin loved texting Noah. But it did not beat those moments when they would cuddle and kiss. Noah's lips were starting to feel like a necessity. Anytime he was not kissing them, he was thinking and dreaming about how luscious, sexy and soft they were and how electrical they felt against his own.

He got up and grabbed his backpack, ready to head out when a hand was placed on his shoulder, stopping him. He turned around quickly, clearly annoyed by the distraction, and came face to face with Sam.

He was standing in front of Austin, wearing a loose-fitting grey v-neck with blue jeans. He looked like he normally did, tall and only slightly built. His hair was its usual random mess.

"Hi Austin." He greeted as if he was talking to his oldest, best friend -which he was, but the circumstances had changed drastically and Austin was having a hard time looking at him without wanting to drive a foot up where the sun don't shine.

"No." Austin said with a dead look in his eyes while shaking his head.

"What?" Sam asked dismissively.

"No." Austin repeated with the same dead look and then turned around, heading for the door.

Sam ran and stood in front of him, blocking his way, "Are you ok? Last time I saw you, you looked like you had seen a ghost and that ...shitface was not even there to help you. I had to come to your rescue but then he came in and kicked me out then took all the credit. What an assh- "

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