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Dinner had been great, except for their mom asking whether Austin had already gotten a boyfriend.

How did she expect him to get a boyfriend so quickly?! But Austin didn't voice that out because then he would be admitting that he was really gay.

As he lay on his bed waiting for sleep to take him away, Austin thought of what kind of day he was going to have have the next day at school. He definitely didn't want a repeat of today. That had been one fucked up day.

Soon enough, he drifted off to into a dreamless sleep.

He woke up the next morning to his alarm playing Michael Jackson's Bad - he just loved that song too much.

He did his usual morning routine while singing along to that song, which was now playing on his iPod on a loop. He was in a good mood for no apparent reason. Maybe it was because yesterday had passed and today was a new, fresh day. He even dressed really nicely to reflect how he felt on the inside.

Even the breakfast their mom made this morning tasted better than usual, or maybe it might have been just his mood. He was soon out the door, heading to his car. Nicky was hot on his heel, "What's got you so excited today?"

"Can't I just be happy I'm alive?"

"Ummmnnnn, after yesterday, I don't think so."

"Hey, can you please not rain on my parade?" he begged, wishing to just an eventless day. He would really appreciate that.

"I'll let you be this time. I'm in a good mood today too."

"Why, they extended the half-off sale at whatever god-awful place you get your dumb clothes from?" he mocked.

"I wish. But no, Michael's picking me up!" she said, jumping a little with excitement and Austin failed to register why that was cause for celebration.

Just then, a red Mercedes convertible rolled into their front yard with the top down. Yea, Michael was the kind of kid whose parents would buy him a Mercedes to drive to school.

Noah, of course, was riding shotgun. A redhead, whom Austin assumed to be Lira, was in the backseat.

As soon as Nicky saw her boyfriend, she ran towards him and jumped into his arms. The hug didn't last a second before they were eating each other's faces off. Lira didn't seem too pleased watching this. Austin realized he wasn't either, so he opened the garage door and went to his car.

He started it but before he could back up, there was a knock on the the other window.

"What the fuck do you want now, Noah ?!" he asked as soon as he saw that face, his good mood starting to diminish.

"The other car's a little too crowded, can I ride with you?" he answered, giving Austin puppy dog eyes. Austin really wanted to say no but those doe eyes had words coming out of his mouth that weren't intended.

"Sure." Too late to take it back now!

He unlocked the door and Noah wasted no time before he skipped in, looking a little too cheery.

"I love how we ride to school together," Noah started as soon as he got in. "Do you think we'll be riding like this to work when we're married ?"

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