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"This is....... shocking. And interesting!" Austin noted.

"Well..it is something alright!" Max said in affirmation.

"I'm at a loss for words!" Austin said.

"I'm not.." Max said, "Hey, where are you?" She was talking to her phone. Austin had not seen her pull it out and dial it.

"Who are you talking to?" Austin asked but she ignored him.

"Can you get here by the fire like yesterday! ....you're gonna wanna see this....I don't care, Brock can wait.....would it help if I told you it is about a certain someone who stole your boyfriend ....that's what I thought, see you in two!" She hung up and looked at Austin mischievously.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but...shouldn't you be freaking out right now?!" Austin asked skeptically.


"I've known you for quite some time now and you are not great with things that don't go your way!" Austin explained, "By now, you would have been roasting her head on a spit !"

"I'm trying a different angle of dealing with basic whores."

"Which is...what exactly?" Austin asked doubtingly.

"It's a secret." She responded, "Nicky is gonna love this!" She brought up her phone and snapped a picture using her camera phone.

"I'm sure she is gonna have a field day...but what about you?" Austin enquired further.

"What about me?"

"I mean...you like the guy and you just walked in on him making out with another girl!" He was trying to explain to her the gravity of the situation.

"I know." She sounded unaffected by it, "But this is really about Lira."

"So she cheated on Michael with Randy, big deal!" He jibed.

"Oh, sweetie, Randy is like number fifty!"

"What do you mean?" Austin asked, suddenly interested in what she was saying.

"Apparently, what she lacks in hotness, she more than makes up for in promiscuity."

"Oooh..tell me more!" Austin asked excitedly.

"She has slept with like half of the football team and chess club!"

"Really, that's a nasty rumor to spread."

"You should know by now that I don't spread rumors...if it ain't true, I'll make it true!"

"You even have a motto?" Austin puzzled his eyebrows in a frown.

"I've just done it so many times, the motto basically made itself."

"So, what percentage of her whoring around did you contribute in?" Austin cocked his eyebrow at her.

"Surprisingly, none!" She said as if she couldn't believe it herself.

"So, what are you going to do?" Austin asked, a bit more seriously.

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