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"So, I see you like to watch, huh. Interesting!"

"Shut up, Noah!" Austin said as his cheeks burned a cute shade of pink, "It was by accident. And I wasn't watching! Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go gouge my eyes out with a toilet brush."

"Awww, Aussy," Noah cooed, "Is this your first time?"

"First time for what?"

"Yup! Definitely your first time," Noah concluded. "I can tell by your flaming cheeks. Dude, you're almost on fire!"

"I wish I was on fire!" Austin huffed and puffed.

The banging noises from the stall started getting louder and it sounded like the two men were in the zone, clearly not bothered by the recent interruption.

"That's our cue to leave. Fast!" Austin pushed Noah back towards the door.

"Why?" Noah asked, "I can think of something way better."

"I'm willing to bet money that that's not true."

"How about we make it a foursome!" Noah suggested, displaying a very wide, cocky smile.

"Yea, well, I'm out of here." Austin said, "You go join in. Fair warning, big guy is gonna eat you...like..literally!"

"Good, I like that!" Noah challenged.

"Ok. Go ahead. I'll tell your family you died stupid." Austin opened the door and walked out.

"Somehow, I don't wanna die before knowing how it feels being married to you." Noah said as he followed Austin out of the washrooms.

"So, in other words, you chickened out." Austin deadpanned.

"No, I really wanna marry you." Noah said.

"How delusional can one guy be!"

"How lucky can one guy be..," Noah started singing. "I kissed her and she -"

"Really? Dean Martin?" Austin asked. "What are you, ninety?"

"I'll be what you want me to be, babe."

"Can you be the guy who jumps off the dam for me? Just say yes and I'll drive you there myself."

"Anything for you, my love!"

"Great, grab your coat, it's freezing down there."

"Where are you guys going?" Nicky asked. With their continuous banter, they hadn't realized that they had reached their booth.

"Just dropping Noah off somewhere."

"Five minutes and the two of you are already buddy-buddy. So cute!" Nicky started, "And to think you weren't gonna last an hour in here together."

"We weren't, but he paid me." Austin said.

"What are you talking about?" Nicky asked, a little confused and curious. Even the others looked up too, paying more attention, wanting to know the details.

"Yea, twenty bucks," Austin answered as he fished out the twenty from his pocket. "By the way, coffee is on Noah!" He concluded with a smirk as he slapped the note onto the table.

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