chapter 3: closer...

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Michael crashed onto his bed with a loud thud letting out a deep breath as he remembered Friday's events. It was Saturday evening and he had just gotten back from shopping with his mother, which was kind of a drag.

"How about this shirt Hun?" She would ask him holding up a bright yellow and orange collared polo shirt.

"Uh, mum I don't really want any new clothes..."

She would tut away and throw the clothing into the basket anyway.

Michael looked at his smartphone, still no texts from Casey. What was that rule again about messaging? He didn't know or remember but he wanted to message him. But fear took over him like a smoke storm cowering over a small town ready to set down a huge set of hail. He sighed and rolled over facing his wall and closed his eyes, but just as he did his phone made a beep. He looked at it quickly but it was just his battery going flat.

"Fucking hell," Michael muttered.

It beeped again. He rolled his eyes, but this time he realized that there was a new text!

"Hi, Mika. I'm sorry I haven't called or messaged you. I've been really nervous about what happened on Friday. If you want you can come over my place tonight. I'll be alone. My address is 24 Heritage Way."

Michael jumped off his bed and almost tripped over his loose shoes lying about. He shook his head with a light smile as he picked up a pair and put them on. He checked himself in the mirror before heading out the door not even giving his mother a chance to ask him where he was off to.


Michael flicked a thick curl away from his eyes and walked down the path towards Casey's street following the directions on his smartphone, which seemed to like yelling at him which way to go. He felt a little uncomfortable since it was already late, but he shifted his hands into his pocket and walked the way, finally walking up the large hill and seeing a mailbox that said twenty-four. He looked down at the house that was on a large steep dip and had a very big garage to the right. No cars were parked in the driveway. He pulled his phone out of his pocket looked at the address one last time before taking a deep breath to knock. But Casey opened the door before his fist hit the door.

"Hey, I'm glad you found your way here." He was smiling, his eyes glittering.

He was wearing a black T-shirt and a black slim. He opened the door for Michael to come in and he closed the door behind him. The house was kind of dark inside, with a small set of stairs from the hallway down to the kitchen and lounge room areas. Casey opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of coconut juice pouring two glasses and handed him one.

"You're not allergic to coconut are you?"

"No." Michael replied with a nervous smile.

He took a sip.

"Where are your parents?"

"Work conference for my Dad. Mum's out.... somewhere. Oh yeah, some left over paper work. So it's just me and you." He giggled as he sat up on the kitchen bench and swung his legs.

He looked beautiful, more than usual. He was.... Sexy. He had a mysterious grin. Something in his eyes was strange. Michael shifted his body shyly and realized that Casey was staring at him.

"What?" Michael asked smirking.

"Nothing." He looked away but then turned back. "I was just thinking how good you tasted."

Michael could feel his face getting hot and he swore he almost dropped his glass of juice. He didn't know what to do. He put it on the bench next to him as he swung his legs again. Casey smiled at him with a cheeky look in his eyes.

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