chapter 4: The Supermarket

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Michael was bored looking at the frozen section in the supermarket. He had been looking at the frozen fries and chicken for what felt like hours already. He heard a familiar laugh just as he was imagining eating some dark chocolate ice cream in front of the TV. He looked up to see Casey wearing white pants and a tight black T-shirt, showing his abs. He looked amazing, as always. He was talking to a girl with long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes; he hadn't seen this girl around before. She was slightly shorter than Casey and seemed around the same age. Who was this girl? What was he doing with her? He hoped it wasn't someone important and he tried to ignore the feeling in his chest. He wasn't used to being jealous but, after what they shared yesterday, he couldn't help that feeling. Michael continued to stare lost in his thoughts until Casey's eyes lighted up just as he noticed who he was. Casey ran up and jumped into his arms. He was so surprised, almost embarrassed. His cheeks burned crimson as he hung off his arm and introduced him to his friend.

"Mika, this is my cousin, Jane. She's staying at my house for a little while."

Jane smiled shyly. "I've heard a lot about you," Jane said with a small smile.

"I hope they were just good things," Michael said, chuckling nervously. Meeting new people always made him nervous as he usually didn't have great memories with strangers.

"Don't worry about that. Oh, are you still in pain? I hope not" Casey asked in concern while winking at Michael.

"What? What do you....?" Michael asked confused.

"I mean your ass!" Casey said laughing.

" I mean... Just shut up." Michael murmured blushing furiously. How could he talk so casually about something like that in the middle of the supermarket? What if someone heard them? What if his mother heard them? Speaking of his mother...

"Mika! MICHAEL HOLBROOK PENNIMAN!" Michael's mum came around the isle and headed towards the three teenagers. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you. Do you want the red or the blue socks?" She asked, ignoring the two other teenager who were next to her son.

Michael blushed lightly and looked away.

"Blue mum. Mmh...this is my mum guys. And mum this is Casey and Jane," Mika said softly looking down at his shoes. "Casey is my friend and Jane is his cousin." He explained shyly, knowing how his mother would react.

"Hello!" Casey and Jane said simultaneously.

"Oh Mika, I'm so glad you have friends now! You always wanted to have friends now didn't you? Why didn't you tell me the good news? They should come for dinner, one day. I would love to get to know more about them!" His mother said sounding bubbly while looking at them. It was the first time her son had friends and she just couldn't help but be happy and excited about it.

"Mum..." Michael whined and rolled his eyes. His mother could be so embarrassing sometimes.

"Don't whine with me! It's true, I remember when you were younger you were sad because you didn't have friends, but now you finally have them! My little boy is growing up." She said in an emotional voice while pretending to wipe her tears away.

"You're embarrassing." Michael said blushing.

Mrs. Penniman headed towards the checkout and Michael followed her awkwardly just as Casey pulled him back.

"Where's my good bye kiss?" Casey said, with teasing eyes.

Michael blushed furiously as he looked side to side before kissing him slowly. His soft lips pressing against his made memories of the night before come back and made his tummy flutter and his cheeks turn an even darker shade of red. He still couldn't believe what happened. He turned to face his mum who was already gushing over her son's first kiss (well to her anyway). Casey winked at him before leaving with his cousin.

As they entered the car Michael heard his phone going off. He took it out of his pocket and saw that Casey sent him a message. He quickly opened it.

"I told Jane you're my boyfriend.... is that ok?"

A very large grin spread across Michael's face as he typed back quickly.

"It's more than okay, boyfriend x."

He smiled as the car started and reversed out of the car lot.

"Why didn't you tell me about this boy? He seems really nice." His mother told him, trying to get to know more the boy that seemed to have stolen her son's heart (and virginity, but she didn't know about that yet)

"He is really nice... I'm not really comfortable speaking about this." Michael said blushing once again. Everything was still so new to him, he wanted to enjoy these moments as much as possible. He had read for so long love stories and remarked that the beginnings are usually the most beautiful moments; the ones where you get to know the person who will share your life.

"He has to come for dinner one day. I want to know the boy who makes my son happy." His mother said with a smile, her eyes on the road. The rest of the travel was made in silence as they listened to the last Andy Black's album. Michael always had a crush on this singer and the fact that his boyfriend didn't look like him at all made him chuckle. Life was strange sometimes and you could never know what was going to happen in the future.

They ate dinner together in the living room while watching The Simpsons. His sister was away from the night with some of her friends and she wouldn't come back until tomorrow in the morning. Once he was done, he stood up and made the dishes before going to the bathroom to take a long, relaxing shower where he thought about what happened today. He was glad his mother took the news like that and he hoped that it was the beginning of a long and beautiful love story; one so beautiful that it would end up as a book or as a movie.

Once he was done, he got out and put his pajamas on. Then, he went outside and sat on the grass. Staring up at the night, the stars reflecting down just like the streetlights and he realized that this was actually a time where he truly felt happy. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy but he hoped that it would last. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all...

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