chapter 19: Hospital

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I opened my eyes slowly, everything was blurry. Everything was too bright, I couldn't see anything. Where was I? Was I dead? I tried to move but an enormous pain went through my body which made me groan. I waited a few minutes then I opened my eyes, everything was a bit better now. I could see that I was in a hospital bed; the room was white, too white for my poor eyes.

"Don't move too much, please. You're going to hurt yourself." A young nurse told me with a small, worried smile.

"Where... How... Where is my sister? And my baby... Where is he? Please, tell me everything is okay..." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

I was afraid of her answer. I didn't want to learn that I lost my baby and my sister... It would be too much, I couldn't live like that.

"Your baby is okay... He's with another nurse right now. You're in this bed since the accident... It's been a week..." She mumbled kind of embarrassed, not meeting my eyes anymore.

A week? It's been a week? Why didn't I wake up sooner? My baby is already a week old and I didn't even see him once. I'm such a bad father...

"Can... Can I see him, please?" I asked as I was trying to hold back the tears in my eyes.

She nodded and left the room quickly. I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep but I can't. Not right now. Firstly, I want to see my baby, then my sister. After that, I will sleep, if I can.

The nurse came back about ten minutes later with a baby blue blanket. She gave it to me gently. I was finally able to see my baby. He was so beautiful, I wanted to cry. He has a cute little nose and a small mouth. His skin is tan but not too much; it's more like Casey's skin. Then, he opened his big, shinning green eyes, looking directly in my eyes. Then, his mouth turned into a small smile. He put one of his small hands on my cheek, making a small and cute laugh. Jamel was just so beautiful, my beautiful baby boy. I stroked his cheek gently as happy tears were forming in my eyes. He was worth it.

I raised my head when I heard the door and saw my mother, a small smile on her lips.

"It's a beautiful baby... Just like you." She murmured with a small smile and shining eyes as Jamel was drifting off to sleep. She had dark bags under her eyes as if she hadn't sleep for years.

"Mum... Where is Yasmine? Is she okay?" I asked, suddenly worried about my sister. The nurse didn't even speak about her! Oh god...What if something bad happened?

"Calm down. She's... She's in another hospital room. Calm down... You just had a big operation." She said, speaking really fast but not really high because she didn't want the baby to wake up.

"What is it? I want to know, mum! I'm not a little child anymore." I told her with a stern look.

"She has a small commotion, she's in the coma right now but she should wake up soon." She said quietly, not meeting my eyes anymore.

"But..." I began to say but she didn't let me finish.

"I'm not scared about Yasmine anymore. We know for sure that she will wake up in a few days and be perfectly fine. I'm worried about you! You almost died, you almost lost the baby and the accident broke one of your legs!" She whispered-yelled. When I saw that her hands were shaking, I understood that she was really worried about me and the baby.

"I'm sorry, I just... I... I'm worried about her..." I mumbled, looking at my beautiful baby who was sleeping peacefully in my arms. "When will I be able to get home?" I finally asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Tomorrow. But you will need crutches. I'll help you as much as I can." She said with a small, tired smile, his eyes showed different emotions. She was happy, tired and stressed. Not a good situation.

"Can you take Jamel, please? I'm really tired, I just want to sleep." I mumbled, trying to hide my yawn without any success.

She nodded and took him carefully with a smile; her eyes were showing how happy she was to have him in her arms. I closed my eyes, knowing that everything would be okay. My sister will be alright; my baby is healthy; my mother seems happy and I'm alive... Tired but alive... Life is good so far.


"Hey mister, are you ready to leave?" A young nurse asked me with a flirtatious smile while she was biting her lips which, I guess, should have been something sexy.

"Mmmhh, yeah... Do you know why I'm here?" I asked, a frown on my face, not really knowing what to do with this strange nurse.

"Of course, of course. I'm going to help you, you can't dress alone!" She said as she gave me a wink. This chick was crazy!

Luckily, my mother entered in the room just in time and the crazy nurse left the room quickly without giving me another glance.

"Who was that?" My mother asked with a frown.

"I don't know mum, and I don't want to know. Can you help me please?"

"Of course!" She answered with a smile and she helped me.

Once I was ready, she gave me the crushes and we left the room. We went for a few minutes into Yasmine's room; sadly she didn't wake up yet. Finally, before leaving the hospital my mother took Jamel because I couldn't do it, obviously, and we made our way toward home.

It's not easy to climb stairs with crushes, not at all. It took me at least ten minutes to climb twenty stairs. My mother already put Jamel into his small cradle which was in an adorable baby blue color. I stayed with him for a moment, singing for him one of my favorite songs to make him sleep. Suddenly, my mother entered into the room, someone was behind her.

"Hey sweetie, this charming young man was worried about you because you forgot to call him. I'll let you to speak alone." She said with a smile, giving me a small wink before leaving.

I froze as this young man entered into the room. I couldn't believe my eyes. Why was he there?! The last time I saw him when before changing school!


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