chapter 7: Where am I?

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When Michael woke up he didn't know where he was. He was in the straw? He looked at his wrists and saw nothing. He had no cuts. Was he dead? He couldn't be dead. He felt alive! Or was he in Heaven? He got up and decided to open the door. He was in an enormous old farm. He went out and walked. He didn't know where he was going but he had no choices. He decided to follow the only path there was. While he was walking, he saw a few trees but nothing else. Where was he? Why was he alone? After about ten minutes, he was in a small town, there were only a few houses and they seemed to be really, really old. He saw a woman with long blond hair, yet he couldn't see her face. Only her back. She was next to, he supposed, her house.

"Hey ma'am. Can you tell me the name of the town please? I'm lost and I need to find my parents. They will be worried if I don't call them." He asked politely.

The woman looked at Michael. He was shocked when he saw her. He didn't even know if she was a woman or an animal. Or maybe she was a mix of both. She had a big, green lizard's head, with big black eyes. She also had cat's claws at the ends of her hands. A real nightmare. He wanted to scream. She couldn't be real.

"You don't have the right to speak. Shut up! I'm your owner, you don't have parents. You're my slave. Now, go back to work before I hit you," she said with a hard tone glaring at Michael. While she was speaking, he couldn't help but notice her tongue that looked like a snake's tongue.

He turned around quickly and went back near the farm. Where was he? This is crazy! Suddenly, he saw other teenagers near the farm, he didn't see them before. They were with... babies? In a field? He went near them curiously. A young girl looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you doing here? Get back to work."

"What are you doing with all these babies?" Michael asked confused. There were at least twenty babies in this field.

"The babies? We have to take care of them. A few of them will be sold as slaves, the others will be eaten." The young girl with short black hair and grey eyes replied back as if it was natural.

"They eat humans?!" Michael shouted with wide eyes; fear in his voice.

"Why are you reacting like this? We've always lived here. Don't you remember? You were born here. We grew up together..." The young girl, apparently called Lyra if the name on her jacket was her real name, said staring strangely at Michael.

"I'm in a nightmare, I'll wake up. All this can't be true!"

A young male teenager came near them, he was running. He looked like... Casey?!

"Casey?! What are you doing here?" Michael asked confused.

"I heard you, why are you shouting babe?" Casey asked worried.

"Babe? We are not together, not anymore. You broke up with me. I'll wake up soon, it's a fucking nightmare." Michael shouted angrily at Casey.

"This isn't a nightmare, it's our life. What's your last memory?" Casey asked, staring at Michael.

"I was in my bedroom; I wanted to die so I cut my wrists. Then I woke up here...I need to see my parents."

"I should stop reading books. You know, times when teenagers had parents, babies, pets was centuries ago. Animals evolved, they took all the power. Now, we are the pets, the slaves, and the food. They took their revenge. You really need to stop reading history books. I'm worried about you," Casey said with a small smile, not knowing if he should be worried or not.

"I need to get out of here."

Michael ran away. He ran for hours or maybe it was only for a few minutes, he didn't know. But he wanted to be as far as possible from these monsters. He ran into the forest. When he stopped running, he was near a little river. The sun had disappeared and he was exhausted. He sat on a rock, he needed a break.

He heard footsteps; they were not too far from where he was. He looked around him, but Michael couldn't see anything. He shivered; he didn't want to think about what it could be, especially in this mad world. Someone came next to him. A shadow. Michael jumped and screamed in fear.

"Hey babe, it's me. I'm sorry if I scared you."

Michael looked at Casey. The teenager was looking at him, feeling guilty.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I was here? You didn't even follow me!"

"Listen to me, please. I have to tell you something important and I don't have much time."

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked in a panicked tone. Everything was so strange since he woke up that he was beginning to think that he was dead and this was Hell. There was no way this could be the Heaven.

"In a few minutes, you will feel something. It will hurt but you have to be strong. You will see something bright, the nearer you will be from it, the better you will feel. But, please, you will have to stay away from it. Please, for me. It's important. I love you. More than you think."

Michael blinked and Casey wasn't here anymore...he disappeared. Suddenly, he felt something in him. He fell on his knees. Everything was blurry. The pain was horrible; it was as if he was burning alive. He felt like he was dying. Then, he saw something bright. He couldn't see anything else. The pain was horrible, it was insupportable! He walked near the light and Casey was right, he indeed felt better. What was he supposed to do? He wanted to walk nearer the light, but at the same time he wanted to trust Casey. So, he sat down and waited for a solution. What should he do? Casey betrayed his trust in the past so who knew if this was another trap?

He was feeling more and more heavy. He couldn't see anything, everything was black. Suddenly, he heard a voice, it was far away. He couldn't hear anything, the pain was too much. He couldn't concentrate on the person who was speaking.

" im..." was the only thing he heard before he passed out.

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