chapter 12: Holidays

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I can't wait to be in France. I want to see the Eiffel Tower more than anything. We are leaving in a few hours by flight. I already made my suitcase, well; my parents told me I had to take one suitcase. But I have four suitcases for my clothes. I'm too fashion, ugh; especially since I changed school. I was waiting in my room when my mother came in.

"Are you rea- how many suitcases do you have?!" She asked me with wide eyes, shock covering her face.

"I only have four suitcases..." I answered with a small smile, trying to look innocent.

"Four suitcases?! How many clothes do you need? We're only leaving for a week, not a month!"

"But mom! I love clothes. I NEED clothes. I'm into fashion you know." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Mika, you're such a girl." She snorted, rolling her eyes. I threw a pillow at her; she laughed and left my room. Pfff, I'm not a girl!

We were leaving in less than one hour; I was on my bed thinking about yesterday's party... I don't know why I drank so much. I couldn't even remember what I did at the party but it may be better this way. When I saw Casey yesterday I wanted to kiss him so much! I wonder what he thinks about me right now. He may think I'm a slut. I sighed. Yasmine, my sister, came into my room.

"We're ready to leave. Mom and Dad are waiting for us in the car. Come on, I'll help you with your suitcases. You know you have more suitcases than me?!" She asked, laughing.

"I can't help it!" I said, laughing with her.

I love my sister so much. She understands and accepts me the way I am. She's only a few years older than me. She has beautiful brown eyes with long brown-black hair. She's really beautiful. She looks a lot like my mother when she was younger.

We went to the car once all the suitcases were in the trunk. We drove to the airport. It was the first time I went in something THAT big! There were so many people! I held Yasmine's hand; I didn't want to be alone in this place. I shivered at the thought.

"Do you want to sit near the window?" My sister asked me with a smile.

"Mmh... no thanks. I'll sit next to Mom." I mumbled.

My sister nodded and laughed. She knew I was scared. It was my first time in a plane. My sister went in China once when she was younger. She's used to take the plane, not me. Luckily, we only had one hour of travel. The hardest was at the beginning and at the end. It wasn't that bad after all.

Once we were in Paris I couldn't stop jumping and smiling. I've never been so happy in my life.

"We're going to the hotel right now, we'll see the Eiffel Tower tomorrow, okay?" My father asked me with a smile.

I nodded, looking through the windows of the taxi. It was so beautiful, I was speechless. Our hotel was called 'The Bristol', it's a luxurious hotel. When we arrived a small man opened the door of the taxi for us, took our suitcases, and asked us to follow him to the reception.

The inside was, again, more beautiful than the outside. Everything was white or gold. There was a caramel cat sleeping on a sofa near a marble chimney. My father spoke in French with the receptionist. Wow; I was always impressed when I was hearing my father speak in French. I could only say a few words like 'bonjour' or 'merci', nothing important.

When my father had the keys we took an elevator. We will stay in a suite. In it were two rooms. One for my parents and one for my sister and I. The name of our suite was called 'Prestige Elysée Suite'. I like this name even if I don't understand what it means; it seems luxurious. The inside was amazing. The dominant colors were white and gold. I felt as if I was a prince! I couldn't stop saying things like 'wow', 'that's amazing', and 'It's beautiful'. I saw my mother looking at me with a smile. I think she's happy to finally seeing me smiling, laughing... Well, I am too.

I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. When I woke up, I was next to Yasmine, one of her arms were around my waist. She was sleeping. Most of brothers would have found it awkward to sleep with his sister but not me. Maybe because I'm gay or maybe because we're really close.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy. I felt really, really bad, as if I was really sick. I got up carefully trying not to wake up Yasmine and went into the bathroom. I threw up a few times. I'm sick the week I'm in Paris... well, I'm lucky. I stayed in the bathroom for a few more minutes. When I felt slightly better I took a shower and dressed myself with jeans and a black T-shirt. When I came back into the room Yasmine was staring at me.

"What?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you feel great? You look paler than usual." She said in a concerned voice.

"" Great. I didn't want her to know that. I'm sure it's nothing important. It can wait until we get back to London. "I didn't feel too great. But it's okay now," I say with a small smile.

She nodded not really convinced but said nothing. I mentally thanked her for that. When we went in the kitchen, the breakfast was already done. There were 'café', 'croissants', 'pain au chocolat', and 'chausson aux pommes'. I didn't understand all the things that were written but it looked good. Really good.

I took a 'pain au chocolat' and a 'café'. Yasmine only took a 'chausson au pommes' whereas my parents took a bit of everything. My mother stared at me for a few minutes then raised an eyebrow at Yasmine.

Why were they staring at me? I'm fine. I may be a bit sick but it will be over in a few days. After breakfast, I couldn't stop jumping up and down in excitement. We were going to see the Eiffel tower! It was one of my dreams. I still felt strange. My stomach was doing weird things. But I didn't care at the moment. The travel was very, very long. I was so impatient!

When we were finally here I was shocked. It's at this moment that I realized that I was in Paris and in front of the Eiffel tower. I wanted to cry of happiness. I took a few pictures. We bought memories. I wanted to climb the steps to the Eiffel Tower, but there were too many people. My parents didn't want to wait five hours for 'nothing. Ugh. One day I'll do it, I promise. Then, we made our way toward the Elysees fields.


Picture of Yasmine ~~>

Picture of Yasmine ~~>

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