chapter 13: Sick

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The week in Paris was amazing, probably one of my favorite places in the world! The city was so beautiful! We visited a lot of places and I bought a lot of memories. I even forgot Casey while I was in France. Now, in a few minutes we will be at home and I'll have to go to the doctor even if I hate doctors. Everybody saw that I didn't feel great. I was paler than usual. I wasn't really hungry and I vomited every day, especially in the mornings and after dinner. I think I may have the flu, but I'm not sure, I'm not a doctor after all. I just hoped that, whatever I had would go away quickly. I hated being sick.

"Hey Mika, what are you doing? Stay in the car. Joannie and Yasmine will take your suitcases. We're going to the doctor right now." My father spoke to me, looking at me in the mirror.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I wasn't a little kid anymore. My mother and my sister took the suitcases out of the car and I left with my father. The ride was quiet.

"I'll wait for you in the car. The doctor is already waiting for you. Now, go." My father said in a strong voice without looking at me.

I slowly got out of the car and went to the doctor's office.

"Hello Michael. So, explain me everything." The doctor, an old man with really short white hair, told me. He looked like Santa Claus, for real. If I was feeling better, it would have probably made me laugh.

"I...mmh...I don't feel great. My head hurt, I'm not really hungry, I vomit every morning, and also after dinner." I mumbled, looking at the floor feeling embarrassed.

"Mmhh... I see. I'm going to do a blood test. You should receive the results tomorrow at home."

"A...a blood test? But, why? Can't you just tell me what I have?" I whispered, my eyes widen in fear. I admit, I'm scared. I hate blood tests with all my heart. That's why I don't want to do one now. Especially when my mother is not here to hold me.

"Well, it's not that easy. I understood what you've told me. But I need to be sure because it seems impossible." The doctor said, looking embarrassed.

"Impossible? Am I going to die?" I asked with wide eyes, shuddering.

"No, you will not die if it's what I think it is. That's why I need to do a blood test. Michael, I met you when you were a little baby. You're a big boy now; you don't need to be afraid of a stupid blood test. I promise it will not hurt, okay?" He told me with a small smile trying to comfort me. He took my arm and did the blood test. A tear escaped and fell on my cheek. I hated needles.

"It's over. I'm proud of you." He said smiling as he gave me a wink.

I quickly left the office. My parents will receive the results tomorrow and I really hope it's nothing serious. I went back in the car.

"So, what do you have?" My father asked, staring at me in concern.

"Mmh..I-I don't know yet. He made a stupid blood test." I mumbled, glaring at him and crossing my arms over my chest.

Once at home my mother hugged me, patting my back.

"Everything alright baby?"

"We will have the results of the blood test tomorrow morning." I mumbled.

"I'm proud of you for doing that blood test without me holding you. Come in the kitchen, I made some cookies for you." She told me with a small smile trying to act as if she wasn't worried.

I nodded and followed her. I ate a few cookies, which were delicious, and went upstairs to take a shower. Once I was done I went to bed feeling exhausted. My mother came in my room and sat on my bed next to me.

"Why are you here?" I asked, frowning.

"I'm here to wish you a good night. I can't do that anymore because you're eighteen?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course you can, but it's been years since you went in my room to wish me good night. Usually, you say that before I'm going upstairs." I said, confusion written all over my face.

"I already saw you in your boxers you know." She said rolling her eyes.

"Mom...stop, it's embarrassing. The last time you saw me in my boxers was when I was twelve." I murmured with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"I'm just worried about you." My mother whispered, touching my cheek lovingly. I could see the worry in her eyes and I hated it.

"I am too..." I whispered back.

I hugged her tightly; she kissed my cheek and ruffled my hair. She got up and left the room. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes slowly. I still felt bad, but I didn't vomit today. It's a good thing, I think. I got up and went in the bathroom to take a long warm shower. Once I was done I dressed myself and brushed my hair. Then I went downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen whispering with Yasmine. They both looked worried. Did they receive the results? Am I going to die?

"Hey..." I mumbled.

Yasmine and my mother looked at me worryingly.

"Did you receive the results? Am I going to die?" I asked, fear in my voice.

"No, you're not going to die." My mother said in a soft voice. "But you may want to sit before seeing the results." She added quickly while looking at me with worried eyes.

"No, give it to me. I want to know." I told her, wanting to know the results and see what I had. The stress was killing me and I would end up crazy if I couldn't see the results soon.

My mother and Yasmine shared one last look then my mother gave me the paper. I slowly unfolded the paper. My eyes went wide and I began to shake.

"That's not possible. It's a fucking joke." I whispered not having the strength to yell. This had to be a joke. It had to.

I couldn't breathe anymore; I began to see black holes.

"I..." I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Mom, he's having a panic attack!" Yasmine yelled.

That's the last thing I heard before all went black    

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