Chapter 7 - Seeking Revenge

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Jonah's P.O.V

My mom walked away, looking quite disappointed I had declined her offer.
I knew the second I would see her, I would fall into pieces before her very eyes.

I just needed some time to control myself, and think things through rationally. I didn't even know how I could face possibly her.

Was she mad? Was she confused? Does she hate my guts?

Probably all of the above. I sigh, knowing that I screwed up big time. I made a mental note to myself to check up on her tonight, after she had fallen asleep.

I took the elevator back down to the first floor, as the lady who brought be up last night greeted me. I smiled blaintly, as I exited the glass doors with a new idea in mind.

If I wanted to make sure Allison was safe, there's one thing I had to do. And that was, find the man and make him pay for what he did. It made me more than angry, thinking that he was still out there somewhere.

Now that I was in Pennsylvania, I was able to get on or two bars on my phone. So I decide to call my best friend, James.

I've known James since I was 7. We met when we had both decided to skip an assembly on anti - bullying, and came across each other in the hallway. Of course, we had gotten in trouble but during that time we got to know each other better and soon we became the bestest of friends.

Since then, wherever you saw James, you would see me too.

James is by far, the most critical thinker I have ever met and can crack just about any case there is. He has watched just about every episode of Criminal Minds there is, and has found the victim within the first 15 minutes. He will definetly be able to help.

" Hey, man! What's up? I haven't seen you in the longest time. " James' deep voice greets the line.

" Listen dude, I kinda got a sitaution and I need some help. I'll explain everything in person, but for now can you come pick me up at Greenbay Hospital? Its located in Northern Pennsylvania. Oh and take the backroads, the main highways are blocked off. "

" Pennsylvania? Got it. I'll be there in a few hours. Do you need me to bring anything? "

" Uhm, maybe some weapons? "

I'm greeted with dead silence.

Eventually, he responds "Uh...yeah sure dude, I gotchu. "

I sigh in relief, as the call is ended.

In the meantime, I head over to the Wendy's across the street.

No doubt, I was starving.

I bite into my crispy chicken sandwich, and begin to eat my combo.

Within 10 minutes, I have finished the whole meal.

I install a game on my phone, knowing I will have to wait at least an hour more.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm waiting outside the front of the hospital, when James' car pulls into a parking space.

I already told the lady at the front desk, to inform my mom I left to take care of some business just in case she worries about my where abouts.

"Hey man, " he greets me, and we do our little handshake we've always done.

" Thanks so much for coming all the way here, " I say as I close the car door.

" Yeah no prob. So what's going on? Why are we at a hospital. "

I knew he would have tons of questions, so I took a good 10 minutes explaining what had happened with Allison, and my motive for finding the man.

" Since you're such a good thinker, I figured you could help me find him. "

He takes a moment to take in all the information I had thrown at him.

" Alright, I'll help you. But, you need to give me some time to get some equipment and install a tracking device so we can find his location. Oh and by the way, once we find him I think it's best to allow the police handle this type of situation. "

James' father worked in the FBI, another reason it was quite easy for him to be so smart in this type of field. It also meant, he had acsess to some pretty neat things.

I nodded in agreement, he was right. I could be in tons of trouble if I killed him, or anyone for that matter.

" Okay, so I'll be back in a few days with all the stuff. For now, I think it's best if you spend some time with your girl. "

He was right. I had to face her eventually.

We say our farewells, and he promised me everything will be okay, and for a second I almost believe him.

By now, it is about 9:30, when I decide im ready to see Allison.

" I'm sorry sir, but visiting hours are officially over. You can come ba - "

" Listen, all I want to do is see my girlfriend. Asleep, or awake it doesn't matter. I just need to. " I tell her my voice quite firm.

She gives me one hard look as if contemplating whether or not I was trustworthy.

" Alright. I'll give you 5 minutes, but after you are to leave immediately, understood? "

I nod, and give her a grateful smile, once again heading up the elevator to see my girl.

No doubt I was going to break down into tears the second I saw her, but it didn't matter anymore.

I just had to see her.

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