Chapter 5 - Awaken at Last

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Jonah's P.O.V

I immediately seeked help.

Thankfully, Allison still had a pulse but that didn't seem to stop my tears. Her body just seemed so...lifeless and dull as I carried her.

I had no clue where I was going.

I'm the world's best boyfriend, I sarcastically thought to myself. I know Allison always insists on telling me I've been so good to her these past few years, but I can never seem to believe her.

It's my fault.

Everything is my fault.

I'm shaken out of my thoughts, as I finally see someone. The woman seems to notice me too, as her eyes cast on me and then Allison. The second she sees Allison, her eyes widen.

I don't blame her, Allison did look extremely hurt.

" Oh my god! What happened?! " she asks as she runs over and examines her.

I suddenly find myself explaining everything that had happened these past few days, from leaving my house to the whole shooting incident.

The woman is left speechless.

" Aw, you poor thing! " she says cooing at my sitation.

" Lucky for you, I know just where you could go. Come with me i'll drive. "

She motions us to her car, and I can't help but notice her lisense plate reads " California ".

Why would she drive half - way across the country?

That's not important right now, I tell myself as I get in the car once again looking at my injured girlfriend.

I must say, even with all the cuts and bruises she had, she was still as beautiful as ever. My eyes began to water again as I held her lifeless body.

The woman turned to look at me in the rear - view mirror, after hearing my constant sniffling.

" Don't worry, she will be okay again. I promise. " the lady reassured me.

" Thanks, the name's Jonah by the way. " I informed her. " And this is my girlfriend, Allison. "

" I'm Katy. I came all the way here to check up on my father, but I have yet to find his location. " she sadly smiles.

I cringe at the word " father " as I start to think of my own. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to notice my slight change of mood.

" Okay... here we are. " she tells me, as she pulls into the parking lot of a brick building labelled " Greenbay Hospital. "

" It's one of the only few hospital actually in service these days. " she informs me as we leave her vehicle, and head throught the glass door.

" Thank you so, so much for driving me here. It was nice meeting you. " I shake her hand as she does the same and smiles.

" Oh anytime, I hope all goes well! "

" Thanks, and I hope you find you're dad. "

" Yeah, me too..." and with that being said, she leaves me to go back to her car.

I take in my surroundings. Tens and hundreds of people are scattered everywhere, as the smell of blood lingers. It's quite horrifying to watch such an uncanny scene take place.

" Hi, how may I help you? " the blonde lady at the counter asks me.

Is she too dumb to realize I'm holding a body in my arm? Like come on lady!

" Um, my girlfriend was shot... " my sentence falls quite short as I don't want to go into details.

" Oh my! I'm so, so sorry. Follow me right this way. " she says, leading me into an elevator, pressing the 6th floor.

The silence is deafening, as we finally reach the upper level.

The hallways are also dead silent, compared to the bottom floor.

I consider it a good thing, I could use some peace and quiet.

The room we headed into had yellow walls, with white flowers. There is a bed flat in the middle of the room hooked up to many machines of some sort. Over to the corner, is a big window overlooking the parking lot.

" A doctor will be here shortly. For now, lay her down on the bed and you can head into the waiting room down the hall to the left. " she informs me.

I lay her down, my hands now drenched in her blood.

But the thing was, I didn't want to leave.

Because if I left, that meant she would be alone.

And I never want her to be alone.

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