Chapter 2 - Nothing without you

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"Shit. Why is this highway closed?" Jonah says, becoming quite frustrated.

After pulling out of the driveway, Jonah and Allison have been driving for a few hours, trying to find any shelters, or anywhere safe they can stay.

They had no idea about the recent closing of the main highways.

"I dont even know Jonah. Can't we just go back to your mom, I'm pretty sure we'll be more safe with her. This place is vacant, and its creeping me the hell out." Allison said as she begins to reach for a granola bar in Jonah's bag.

"But we can't Al. My mom left on foot hours ago, who knows where she could be now?" Jonah explains.

"You're such an idiot I swear." She rolls her eyes in his direction, " Just call her."

"Oh yeah, duh." Jonah facepalms himself and reaches in him pocket for his phone.

Before dialing her number, Jonah glances over to see if he has any bars.

He doesn't.

" No service. We must really be in the middle of nowhere."

" Great, now what. We're stuck in the middle of bubblefuck, and the only places we can drive are the side roads which means - "

" Shhh. I think I hear something. " Jonah interrupts cutting Allison's sentence short.

Out in the distance , a soft rustling noise begins to become louder and louder.

"Stay here okay?" Jonah instructs Allison.

She nods her head, as Jonah leaves the car, and heads towards the noise.

His eyes cast on a man. He's middle - aged, about 5'7. He turns to look at Jonah, after sensing his presence.

" Uhm, hi. Me and my girlfriend are parked right over there." He says pointing to their vehicle. " Can you tell us what town this is?"

He looks at Jonah, once again. Still silent.

" Do you speak english orrr....?" He asks once again.

Finally the man speaks up, " You need to leave. " he bluntly says.

" Wait, why?"

"I said leave! " he screams this time, and pulls something out from his back pocket.

A gun.

" Whoa, whoa whoa. I just wanted to know where I am. Jesus, what's your deal?!?"

Allison gets out of the car, after hearing all the commotion.

" What's going - " she begins to speak, but immediately shuts up, her eyes glancing over to the gun in the man's hand.

Jonah grabs her hand, sensing that she's scared.

" Don't make me tell you again! Leave." the man is beyond angry by now.

" I don't see why we should leave, we don't even know who the fu - " Jonah begins but is interupted by Allison.

" Jonah. For the love of god he has a gun, let's go before something happens to either one of us!"

The man looks up, and faces Allison. His eyes tracing her body, and face.

" I'm quite suprised someone like you is with such a loser of a boyfriend. You're way too hot for him." He lets out a humorless laugh.

" Do not call my girlfriend hot," Jonah grits his teeth quite annoyed.

" Why shouldn't I? It's 100% true, " He steps a bit closer leaving almost no space between him and Allison. He leans and whispers in her ear," You're quite the package."

Jonah is beyond pissed.

He lets go of Allison's hand, and punches the man in his face, causing him to result in having a bloody nose, and bruised eye.

The man begins to fight back, as he drops his gun and tackles Jonah to the ground. He pounds his fist into Jonah's stomach, and his arm.

" Stop, stop!" Allison screams attempting to break up the fight.

" Jonah, please I'm begging you. Let's go. "

He looks at her eyes, that are now filled with tears. She hated more than anything, watching Jonah get into a fight.

And Jonah hated more than anything, watching her cry.

In a way, it worked out for both of them.

" He called you hot. I couldn't let him get away with that, " he sighs now after realizing his knuckles are bleeding as well as him arm. " I'm sorry Al, let's go. "

The man is still attempting to get back up, as they both run back to the car.

Allison gets back into the passenger seat, as Jonah does the same into the driver's seat. She scans his cuts and bruises before letting out a sigh.

" I'm okay, I promise. " he reassures her.

She's not convinced. She reaches in the backseat in search of a first - aid kit. She finally finds one, and begins to wrap bandages around his upper left arm, and right hand.

He winces at the pain.

" I don't see why it was necessary for you to fight him, " she begins to say , " So what he called me hot? It's not like he tried to do anything, right?"

" Yeah, yeah you're right. I just - " he couldn't seem to find the right words.

" You what? "

He glances over at her concerned face, which is now glistening in the sunlight.

" He said I was a loser - of a boyfriend. And sometimes Al, I feel like I'm nowhere good enough for you. " his eyes are now focused on his bandages, not willing to make any eye contact.

" Jonah. You can't be serious, not good enough? You've been there for me through thick and thin. I couldn't ask for anyone better, nor would I ever. You've been my shoulder to cry on, my best friend, my boyfriend, my only form of happiness. I could never in a million years imagine a life without you, Jonah Parker. "

At this, he smiles and kisses her on the forehead, while he wraps his arm around her torso. She leans her head on his neck, as they stay like this for a few minutes.

" I love you more than I love myself. " he whispers into her ear before she falls asleep.

But after all she said, he was still not convinced he was good enough.

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