I am currently undergoing much edit from here on and through the following chapters, so please stick with me. The plot may even be changed, so sorry about that! If you have time I would appreciate much feedback on the following chapters so that I can see which path to take for the story! :D Thanks so much, and this is optional but much appreciated :)
The next chapter was really hard for me to write, I have been wanting to do it for a long time, but I think I am pushing things to soon. So, definitely expect change from the next chapter! I mostly need feedback on that one, and maybe some suggestions on how Ione and Brogan's relationship should be? Hate? Like? or Love?
FantasiWhen Brogan's parents disappear, he is only six years old. When he meets his previously unknown sister, Amber, life changes drastically for him. Then enters Ione into his life. He's now sixteen and its been years since he's seen another human. When...