Chapter 11: More Surprises

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As I reach my bedroom, I run into someone. We bump heads and both fall to the ground. The person I bumped into also had their book fall to the ground. I rub my head on the spot where we hit each other. The person then offers me their hand to help me up.

"Are you okay?" Al asks.

"I'm fine thanks." I say to him.

"I'm so sorry Izzy. It was completely my fault." he said.

"Al, I'm fine. Its okay." I said.

"Good. And thank you for not calling me Prince Albert. God I hate it when you do that." he said.

"Why? It's your real name." I said.

"Well first off, I hate my name. If my parent would let me I would legally change my name to Al. But the reason that it bothers me most when you call me Prince Albert is that I feel as though you think you aren't good enough for me. When in reality, I'm the one not good enough. I'm not good enough to be your friend Izzy. I'm not good enough to be a prince," he leans in closer and then speaks in a faint whisper, "and especially not good enough to kiss you."

I quickly pull away. "Don't day that Al. You are good enough for all those things." I said.

"Then why did you pull away from me?" He asked.

"Because we aren't in RPA anymore. I'm here to meet the boys that want to marry me. And even though you are one of those boys, I must stay reserved until it's down to four of you. It is what my parents advise and I take what they say very seriously." I said.

He smirks. "I can see those royal speaking classes are working for you." he said.

"Look I'm only talking like this because there are guards everywhere and if I kiss someone before I am told that it is okay, then my parents will be very upset and my kingdom will think I am some sort of slut." I said in a whisper but making it a loud enough for him to know that it is upsetting to have him question me. His face is in pure shock and then I realize that he doesn't understand what my kingdom is like.

"Look, when I got here, I didn't know about the people in my kingdom. But, my mom told me about them once I arrive at the castle. See, the people here are very kind-hearted. But, they are very judgmental of their rulers. So, if I begin kissing one of you before it is down to four, the people will think that I am not fit to be queen and see to it that my title be taken away from me." I said.

"They can't do that, only your father." he said.

"I know, but if enough people complain to my father, he will have to do what the people want or there will be an uprising." I said.

"I thought you said they are kind-hearted." he said.

"They are, but when they want something gone, they will do anything it takes to have it gone." I said.

"Wow, your kingdom is very confusing." he said.

"Yes. Well, I must get ready for dinner, I'll see you then." I said.

"Until supper Princess." he said. He then took my hand, kissed it, and went on his way.

I missed talking to Al, it feels like whenever I'm not with him, a part of me is missing. And I mean this in a friendship way, not a lovey-dovey way. I mean yes I like him, but no matter what, he will always be my best friend and be there to support me.

I walk into my room and then head straight for my closet. I saw many beautiful dress, but only one I truely fall in love with. The dress is white and has ruffles. I quickly get it off the hanger, put it on and go straight to hair and make-up. Once I finish, I look directly into the mirror. I love it!

I head out then to the gardens where the dinner tonight is taking place. Everything was almost ready. All we needed to do now was to wait for everyone to get there. 

"Now remember Isabelle, act like a princess, not like a-"

"I get it mom. I need to act like royalty, not like a normal girl. I must be formal, not these boys' best friend." I said.

Even though two of them are already my friends. I thought.

"Your majesties, the prince wants to speak with you." a servant comes up and tells us.

"Tell him that we'll-" 

"Its okay Dad, I can go." I said interupting my father.

"Sweetie its fine your father and I can go. Stay here and wait for the other princes." my mom says.

"Its fine mom. I can go talk to him." I say to her. I then turn to the servant and ask where the prince's room was. I turn to my parents,  curtsy and then leave on my way.

************Izzy's Mom's POV************

"What are we going to do?" I turn to my husband and ask him.

"I don't know. There's nothing we can do. We knew that Isabelle would find out eventually. It was only a matter of time before he told someone to send for us while we were with her." he said.

"Its just, they don't know about each other and I don't wanna have her upset with the princes here." I said.

"We're just gonna have to hope for the best." my husband said.

I hope he's right.

****************Isabelle's POV*******************

I arrive at the room that the servant gave me directions to. I knock on the door once or twice until it finally opens. Something is strange. The boy standing in front of me was not one of the boys that were there to date me. Though he was cute with his blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'm sorry. Who are you? I told James to bring me my parents. Although you are cute." he said with a wink.

"I'm sorry.....your parents? They sent for the King and Queen." I said.

"Yes, those are my parents. And whose might you be?" he asked.

"My name is Isabelle Enriquez, Princess of Jendle." I said.

"Enriquez? Princess of Jendle? I don't think I have a sister. Unless you just wanna marry me?" he asked.

"Uh no. I already have six princes here because they want to marry me. And what do you mean by sister. Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Chase Enriquez, Prince of Jendle." he said.

"Prince of Jendle? No way, you are not my brother." I said.

"Well apparently I am." he said.

"I think I know who can clear this up." I said.

"Mom and Dad?" he asked.

"That's the King and Queen to you. They are my parents not yours." I said.

"Apparently not. Look if we are both royals of this country and we both have the same last name, then we are obviously related." he said.

"Just come with me so we can figure this out." I said. 

And then, we both left to the gardens to go clear up some family problems.


Pic of Chase------------------>>>>>>>>>>>

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Don't forget to check out my other book He's Back.

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